Tag Archive for: networking

Want to meet me & Gretchen Rubin in Chicago?

I used to be the queen of networking and go to lots of events every week. That’s when I was first building this blog and also launching my book Listful Thinking. I wanted to get the word out! But after my appendix ruptured over a year ago and I vowed to slow things down a bit.

And I quickly I realized essentially every networking event is the same.

Think about it, how many networking events have you been to that take place in hotel banquet halls filled with clammy handshakes, and awkward conversations punctuated with the exchange of business cards? And those cards usually end up in the garbage.

So how do you stand out?

How do you make your mark in the short amount of time that you have with someone new?

Well it’s all about your pitch! That’s how. Read more

The Payoff of Being Anti-Social for a Month

alone-1031338_640At the beginning of December I took a stand and took the month off from networking and going to events.

I was drained.  

I normally really enjoy going to these kinds of events, so when I started to dread them — I realized it was time for a break.

As part of my anti-social plan, my husband Jay and I went to Puerto Rico, back to the resort where we got married 7 years ago for a little relaxation.

I set myself the challenge of doing absolutely no work while I was there. It was amazing to just lay on the beach and enjoy the moment!

When we returned and people asked me to meet up for tea or dinners after work this December I replied simply, “I’m sorry, I’m not available.”   Read more

Why I’m Being Anti-Social This December

person-731467_640I’m always up for going to networking events, but recently I’ve found myself going to a lot of them and I’m getting burned out. I’m tired, cranky and forgetting things.  It’s not my style.

Just last week I went to see The Color Purple on Broadway (with Jennifer Hudson!) with friends from a networking group. There was a problem with the seating and I ended up sitting away from everyone. I was a bit bummed at first to be isolated from the group but the most unexpected thing happened.  After spending two hours on my own, I realized how little time I’ve spent by myself lately and I loved it!   Read more

The Most Productive Tricks Learned Over Drinks

11855811_1688011314762569_3730399941978373230_nIt’s amazing what you can learn over drinks.  Really.

What was it that Ernest Hemingway said? “Write drunk, edit sober.”  Ok so that doesn’t perfectly make my point but it’s a good saying nevertheless.  

Recently I was invited as a guest at the LadyDrinks Author Series Dinner in New York City for my book Listful Thinking. My friend and fellow newswoman Joya Dass runs the events and I’m thankful she asked me to participate.  The room was filled with entrepreneurs, doctors, teachers, journalists and coaches. It was an excellent opportunity to discuss and share thoughts on productivity with other professionals.  Even though I’m a “productivity expert” and I’m constantly seeking out new information to share. Read more

Checklist for Getting on the Guest List

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Do you know someone who is always booked doing something? Every night of the week there is a gallery opening or cocktail party that he or she is attending.

Thei Zervak – author of “Get Invited, Don’t Crash It: All You Need to Know to Make the Guest List” has a checklist to make you get get on the guest list so you can meet new people and have a great time. She’s also been kind enough to give away a copy of her book to the person who has the best comment! So make sure you tell us what you think! Read more