What’s on Your Happiness List?

D. Sharon Pruitt

What is happiness? That answer can be as different as a fingerprint – unique and personal for every single one of us. I went to a screening, with my friend Terri, the other night to see Project Happiness, which is right up my ally. I joke that I’m a happiness seeker in my Twitter profile – but it’s true – I try to find the best in all situations and the silver lining in anything. I can’t help it – my mother is like that and it rubbed off on me.

The film sought out to answer the huge question “what is happiness?” and although I felt it fell short – it got me thinking and inspired me to think about my own experiences with happiness. (Side note: I liked the book The Happiness Project much better.) I think the problem with the film is that they were looking for one big “aha moment” as Oprah would say. But the thing is – that isn’t going to happen. I’ve always said it’s the little things that make should people happy: Read more

6 Ways to Get Better Customer Service

89studio : FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Sometimes New Yorkers do live up to the “they are so rude” stereotype and usually I can let it roll off my back. But sometimes it’s really irritating — especially when I’m paying for a service or asking for help in a store. Well guess what — there are ways to ensure that you won’t have to deal with such “service” again — in this town or any other! My guest blogger today is my best friend Danielle Freni who has started a Customer Service Revolution. Of which I gladly ride on the coattails of so I can get free drinks, better service and more bang for my buck! Now you can too. Read more

Oprah Here I Come!

Visit to The Oprah Winfrey ShowLast April I started this blog right before my trip to one of the last tapings of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” I’ve been a fan for as long as I can remember and watching Oprah solidified my decision to become a journalist.  I was determined, last April, to meet Oprah when I was at Harpo Studios — but alas, it didn’t happen.  I had done my homework and made my list of questions just in case I got to speak with her — but it wasn’t to be that time. My reporter’s notebook and pencil were confiscated by security! (It wasn’t that dramatic — they basically don’t let you take anything in the studio with you. But I have a flair for the dramatic sometimes — as I’m sure you’ve noticed!) Read more