I Wrote an Ebook for Busy Moms

I’m thrilled to announce that I wrote an ebook called “Top 10 Lists Every Mom Needs“!

I designed the lists for Enough Time Moms, which is a new site dedicated to helping busy moms save time and money, while being more productive.

Some of the lists include: Ways to Save Time in the Morning, The Best Free Apps for Moms,  and A List of Healthy Snacks to take on trips. Although the ebook is geared towards moms — any busy person can benefit from most of the lists.

Please check out the Enough Time Moms Facebook page and sign up for their newsletter to download the ebook.

I’d love to hear what you think!

Never Go Clothes Shopping Without A List

How many times have you stared into your closet thinking, “I have nothing to wear!”? It used to happen to me quite often but then I figured out a system for stocking it. You guessed it — a list! Everybody seems to think that clothes shopping is an incredibly difficult task, but does it really need to be? You may have heard of a service called Stitch Fix that helps you gain some new wardrobe options based purely off your own style choices. If this idea interests you, you can find more info out about Stitch Fix by having a look at a review for the service.

I was fortunate to share this secret with the readers of Bneato.com — thanks to Beth Zeigler, the site’s founder. It’s a wonderful site with tips for organizing just about anything. Check out my guest post “Clothes Shopping With A List.”

Keeping a Book List

I’m completely obsessed with “The Help,” by Kathryn Stockett for two reasons:

1. It’s a great story set in 1960s Mississippi about the lines drawn between white women and their “colored” maids. I’ve been reading it since our trip to Miami and I’ve been hooked ever since. I read walking down the street, in elevators, on the subway — you name it!  I savored the last 15 pages because I didn’t want it to be over.

2. I love Kathryn’s story – she was turned down 60 times before selling this book! I mean – at that point..some people would have said “enough.” But I’m so glad she didn’t. What a great lesson in perseverance.

I always have an on-going reading list. I’m lucky enough to work with a bunch of readers so we swap books often. I also have a Kindle and an iPad but I must say – it’s just not the same for me. I haven’t gotten used to not holding a book. Although—those electronic devices are much easier to carry on the subway! Read more

How to be a Productivity Junkie

To-do ListYou already know that I’m a compulsive list maker — but I’m also a productivity junkie. With a to-do list in my hand — it’s pretty hard not to be.

I have my days of course when I feel like I haven’t gotten anything done but for the most part I’m extremely efficient and I have my to-do list to thank.

I was lucky enough to be able to guest blog for the “Life…Your Way” blog this week. Check out my post about Ways a To-Do List Will Help You Do More.

What are your productivity secrets?


List Making is in my Blood

I get it from my dad. He’s a serious list maker. For as long as I can remember – he is always making a list about something. So this Father’s Day – I’d like to honor him for passing down this quirky habit to me and highlight some of his frequently-used lists.

List for Expenses

My dad has tiny strips of paper that he uses to record every expense he has. He has tons of these little papers in his office. Whenever he pays bills — he puts on his glasses and squints at these pint-sized papers. Why he doesn’t switch to full-sized paper is beyond me. This system works for him and he lists off everything he needs to pay for the month and crosses them off when he does. I’ve told him he can do this online but he’s yet to retire his tiny papers.

Lists Before Leaving on Vacation

Any time we went on vacation – which was usually to Lake George, NY when I was growing up – my dad would make a list of all the things that needed to be done before we left. The list would usually consist of things like “turn off the air conditioning,” “put mail on hold,” “water plants.” He does this so he doesn’t have to remember to remember anything. It’s all right there – quick and easy.

Lists for Planting a Garden

My dad’s garden is his pride and joy. He grows all sorts of vegetables but is famous for his tomatoes. He plants way too many of them every year –but claims he has to because they are so good. He gives them to our friends and family and my mom makes lots and lots of tomato sauce. Every March he makes a list of all the vegetables that he wants to have in his garden for the summer. He’s very systematic about it and even draws out a map of where each vegetable will be planted. It’s pretty cute that he’s so passionate about it.

Maybe this trait is in my blood or maybe I learned it over time. Whatever the reason – it’s made me the organized, slightly neurotic, kind of obsessive compulsive and successful person that I am! Thanks Dad and Happy Father’s Day!