Subtract stuff from your life this New Year

subtractionAround this time of year we find ourselves adding more and more to our to do lists. I know I feel like 2015 hasn’t even begun and my list is already stacking up. Especially as my book is being published in January! If you are also feeling a bit overwhelmed maybe it’s time to start subtracting from your list instead of adding.

My friend Cass McCrory runs The Subtraction Project to help you do just that. What the Subtraction Project does is provide 30 days of actionable prompts to subtract the extra in your home, your inbox, your brain and your life.  It’s free so there’s no subtraction from your wallet.

The project starts on January 1st — so sign up soon to get a kick start on your new year. Even if you know you have a busy January ahead, don’t worry as each prompt will be short and sweet. They take between 5-15 minutes to complete. Cass is also going to feature my book on day 11, as that day focuses on to-do lists. So make sure to check it out.

What are you going to subtract from your life in 2015?

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with an App

carrot_1There are lots of great apps out there that help you check off your to-do list, log your food intake and make note of how much you exercise. These apps can be great if used properly, but sometimes we get a little complacent. we use them for a while and then get bored and move onto the next big thing.  Well now the apps are fighting back!

Here’s a list of apps that are designed to give you that extra push and really force you to achieve your goals: Read more

How to Keep Track of Your Addresses

address bookAs much as I love new technology, especially technology that helps increase your productivity – there are a few ways in which I’m still behind the times. For starters, I still have one of those old school style address books. I write addresses in pencil so I can easily update when someone moves.  It works – until I need an address when I’m not at home! This week I’ve been trying to drag myself into the 21st century by looking at online address books.

While looking at all the various sites, I started to realize that at some point I was going to have to sit down and manually enter all my contacts! It’s not a job I’m particularly looking forward to, but that’s one of the necessary evils of modern technology. There are options to auto sync your contacts but I don’t want to import everyone’s email addresses, phone numbers, etc.  I just want their physical addresses in one spot! Read more

Apps That Get Me Through My Day

iphomeThere are so many productivity apps on the iPhone, trying to find the good ones can sometimes be a challenge. I like to try as many apps as possible and I often post about them here. If you follow this blog you might’ve wondered what apps I actually keep on my phone – well now you can find out.

Here are some of my favorites:

Post It Notes – Post It Notes are one of the oldest and greatest productivity tool. They’re just so handy! Use this app to keep track of your notes.

Umano – Want to catch up on your favorite articles, but don’t have time to sit down and read them? Umano reads articles to you, so you can listen to them wherever. They even have some of my articles and I narrate them too!

Read more

Meetings Don’t Have to Be An Eye Roll

doOne of my least favorite things is going to meetings.  Sometimes you have a good meeting and you’ll walk away with a much better understanding of the task at hand. However, I find that the majority of these structured get togethers are painfully unfocused and disorganized, especially if they’re on the phone. Even when there is a clear plan of action for a meeting, people will often go off on tangents discussing their vacation plans or the weather. I get it, it’s just human nature but it’s still not productive! Read more