Productivity Tips You Learned in Kindergarten

kidsYou don’t really realize it when your a kid, but kindergarten was probably the most important year in your school career in terms of development. Of course, that school is essential, but we don’t really pay much attention to grades like Pre-K and Kindergarten, but they are important just like any other grade in school. It is where we begin to make our friendships and interact with other kids. A friend of mine learned this when her children started Pre-K and Kindergarten at a school similar to Ravens Croft (RAVENSCROFT.ORG). She reminded me that we learned so much during that time, and not just how to read and write, but believe it or not we also learned plenty of productivity skills!

Here’s a look back at some stuff you learned in kindergarten that you can still use today: Read more

Topping Everyone’s Bucket List Is….

A few weeks ago I teamed up with to do a Bucket list contest. Now the results from the competition are in! The winner of the contest has been notified but the fun doesn’t stop there.  I wanted to share the top ten items from everyone’s list:

Bucket List Results

So what do you think? Are these items on your bucket list too? To help your goals become a reality I recommend starting with a vision board.

It’s helpful to think about what you want from the upcoming year and specific goals you have in mind. I included Venice on my vision board last year and I got to go there in March. So start planning to make your bucket list dreams come to life in 2015!

Cute Animals Can Increase Your Productivity



BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


I love animals, I even have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to cute animal pictures. As much as I love them however, I wouldn’t have considered them to be a productivity tool. Little did I know that researchers at Hiroshima University have proved me wrong. Their study shows that looking at cute pictures or videos of animals triggers care giving impulses, which may actually improve your work performance. That’s because you’re more likely to be attentive and careful. So next time you’re in work, ask your boss if you can get rid of the printer on your desk to make room for a Large hamster cage! Read more

Letters to My Future Self

letterOne of my favorite assignments I was given in elementary school was to write letters to our “future selves”, a few years in advance. The principal kept the notes and distributed them when we got to the designated grade. We wrote down what was important to us then, what we thought we would be doing when we opened the letter, our fears, hopes, etc. Read more

How to Take a Break and Get Stuff Done

(Photo Credit:

(Photo Credit:

Most days I’m so concerned with my lists and getting things done that when I do have some down time, I freeze.  I think, “Shouldn’t I be doing something? There’s got to be something I can do right now.”  I forget that it’s OK to just do nothing and not have something planned out for every second of every day.

On this blog I talk a lot about taking regular breaks. However, when you’re feeling busy and rushed off your feet — I get that it can be tough to take a moment to slow down. Most of us eat lunch at our desk or read emails while we make coffee and we feel as though we have to be accountable for every minute. But this frenzied work ethic can actually be harmful to your productivity. It’s time to join me and give yourself permission to relax during those down moments.  It’s amazing how much of a boost in your efficiency you’ll feel if you just take it easy on yourself.

Because I can’t do anything — even taking a break — without a list, here are some ideas for you: Read more