Tag Archive for: Philippa Gregory

List of TV Shows Based on Books

9781476735481If one of your favorite books has ever been made into a movie, you’ve been in that uncomfortable state of great anticipation. Part of you can’t wait for the movie to come out, and to see the book come to life. But part of you wants it never to come out, so that the story will remain untainted by Hollywood — when the movie version ruins the story is just the worst! Like with The Other Boleyn Girl: Loved the book, lukewarm on the movie.

Recently — books are being adapted into TV shows, too. In some ways, I think this works a little better, especially for book series — there’s less pressure to fit everything in a 90 minute movie. So, of course, I made a list of TV shows based on books that you might want to check out! If you don’t have any TV streaming subscriptions, you could always see if you can find any of these TV shows on a proxy site like pirateproxy, for example. These websites allow you to download the latest movies and TV shows on to your devices, so hopefully you will be able to find these shows to watch. Who knows, you might even be able to find some shows that you haven’t seen before, and you might even want to read the books afterwards if you enjoy them that much! Out of this list, which ones are your favorites?
  • The White Queen
  • Sex and the City
  • Game of Thrones
  • Friday Night Lights
  • Bones
  • Gossip Girl
  • True Blood
  • Dexter
  • Vampire Diaries
  • Sherlock
  • House of Cards
  • Pretty Little Liars
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Keeping a Book List

I’m completely obsessed with “The Help,” by Kathryn Stockett for two reasons:

1. It’s a great story set in 1960s Mississippi about the lines drawn between white women and their “colored” maids. I’ve been reading it since our trip to Miami and I’ve been hooked ever since. I read walking down the street, in elevators, on the subway — you name it!  I savored the last 15 pages because I didn’t want it to be over.

2. I love Kathryn’s story – she was turned down 60 times before selling this book! I mean – at that point..some people would have said “enough.” But I’m so glad she didn’t. What a great lesson in perseverance.

I always have an on-going reading list. I’m lucky enough to work with a bunch of readers so we swap books often. I also have a Kindle and an iPad but I must say – it’s just not the same for me. I haven’t gotten used to not holding a book. Although—those electronic devices are much easier to carry on the subway! Read more