Organizing Your Closet
/0 Comments/in Beauty, Fashion, Shopping/by Paula Rizzo
Rubbermaid Homefree Series Closet Kit 3P40 (Photo credit: Rubbermaid Products)
Do you always spend extra time trying to figure out what to wear? Does it ever feel like you don’t have anything to wear? I’ve mentioned before that laying your outfit out the night before can make your life just a little bit easier — but that may not change the “I’ve got nothing to wear!” feeling you might have when you stand in front of your closet. It also doesn’t help you build your closet.
Is Productivity Making Me Rude?
/2 Comments/in Relationships/by Paula Rizzo
English: A pile of mobile devices including smart phones, tablets, laptops and ebok readers. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I’m all for being productive and getting things done, but recently I’ve been wondering whether it’s possible to be productive to a fault. I pride myself on knowing proper etiquette, but I think I may be becoming rude as I strive to become more efficient and productive.
In my day job as a TV producer things are fast paced and you need to move along and get everything finished on deadline. I remember once after a taping I literally said to a guest, “OK, we’re done with you.” It was more of a housekeeping-type statement because we needed to move on to the next guest for the following segment, but it came off very rude. Eeek! Read more
Summer Reading List
/0 Comments/in Books, Home, List Making/by Paula Rizzo- The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
- Entwined with You by Sylvia Day: Entwined with You is the final book in the “racy” Crossfire series.
Outsourcing Your Life
/1 Comment/in Increase Productivity, Reduce Stress, Saving Money, Saving Time/by Paula RizzoI’ve written a lot about how important it is to remember that you are just one person. Give yourself a break sometimes! It’s not always possible to get everything done on your own, which is why sometimes, you have to ask for help. I finally took my own advice and enlisted the help of some interns — wow has my life gotten better. It’s really amazing what giving up a little control can do.
I haven’t always found it easy to let someone else help me out, but when I went to the BlogHer ’13 convention in Chicago, I sat in on a session, run by Meagan Francis, about outsourcing and why you should do it…and I’m so glad I did. There are major benefits that come from having an extra set of hands: Read more