Tag Archive for: increasing productivity

If You Want It Done Right, Don’t Do It Yourself!

I used to be like a lot of people who try to do everything themselves. But then I learned — I’m only one person, I need to ask for help sometimes! There are times when I still struggle with this concept but for the most part — I’m pretty good at delegating.  In fact — my guest blogger Leah Busque, founder of TaskRabbit.com,  says having other people do things for you is the only way to get things done right.

If You Want It Done Right, Don’t Do It Yourself!

by Leah Busque

Consider this…Two men live alone on an isolated island. To survive they must undertake a few basic economic activities like water carrying, fishing, cooking and shelter construction and maintenance. The first man is young, strong and educated. In general, he is faster, better, and more productive at everything; he has an absolute advantage in all activities. The second man is old, weak, and uneducated. He has an absolute disadvantage in all economic activities. In some activities the difference between the two is great; in others it is small. Read more

Check Me Out in Women’s Health Australia

Imagine if you could add a few minutes to your day.  Think about all the things you could accomplish — meet with friends, write more blogs, throw a dinner party, etc. We are all guilty of wasting time every now and then.  But one of the things that I’ve perfected over the years is really focusing when I need to get tasks accomplished. It’s very hard to be disciplined enough — but it is possible.

Being more productive doesn’t require adding more time on the clock — you just have to change the way you think and alter some of your techniques.  Want some examples?  Read “Rewire Your Time” in Women’s Health Australia.  I was interviewed along with a few other women who make the most of their time to get more done!

I’d love to hear what you think of the article.  I’m basically famous down in Oz!  haha — ok, not really, but this is what I’m telling myself. I’m excited to share this with you.

How Do You Do It All?

I’m a big Sarah Jessica Parker fan — since the days of Carrie Bradshaw in “Sex and that City.” Her latest film, “I Don’t Know How She Does It” tells the story of a working mother who aspires to do it all!

I don’t even have kids yet and I know exactly how her character feels!  Trying to keep it all together at work and at home can leave you overwhelmed and frustrated. But as Sarah Jessica’s character has found — making a to-do list (even if they are in your head) will help you to prioritize and get more done. It will also help to keep you focused and save you time and money.

When you’re running on empty try to remember:

1. It’s OK to not be perfect all the time (this coming from a perfectionist!)

2. Give yourself a break! You are juggling your life, your family’s lives and all your responsibilities at work. Take some time out for yourself to recharge and do whatever you want to do. Even if that means watching the Golden Girls and eating popcorn!

3. Ask for help.  No one will think less of you if you reach out for a little assistance. Two heads are better than one — most of the time.

4. Just say no. Of course you want to help with the bake sale and take the lead on a project at work — but if you can’t do it all, then don’t. It’s OK to say that you can’t pile one more thing onto your plate right now. If that means taking a hiatus from your book club — then so be it!

What’s your secret for juggling your work, family life, hobbies and social lives?