Image by Elle Katie from Pixabay

Plan Your Party with Lists


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? CLICK HERE to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


If you’re planning a party or any kind of event, there are so many things you need to keep track of. Lists can be your secret weapon for tackling all the to-dos that accompany any great party. Some of these lists are no-brainers (guest lists, for instance) — and some you probably haven’t heard of before. 

I shared some of my tips for using lists for event planning on PIX11 News in New York City — you can check out the whole interview here.

Before you start planning your next party, check out these guidelines for using lists to create a memorable event without the stress.

Start with the basic lists. 

No matter what kind of party you’re planning, lists will help you stay organized and less stressed! First, start with: 

  • Guest list and invitations
  • Food and beverages list
  • Theme and decorations list
  • Entertainment and music list
  • Budget list
  • Venue list 

Don’t forget the more unexpected lists. 

I love making a mindfulness list. This is a list of calming activities and rituals for yourself for before the event to manage your stress and stay focused. Some examples are:

  • Go for a walk
  • Call a friend
  • Meditate for five minutes
  • Start a puzzle or painting project
  • Do a spa treatment the day before

Make a photo list — you’ll thank yourself later. 

Make a photo list of all the pictures you want to get and note the combinations of people you’d like to get together. That way when you’re having lots of fun you won’t forget to capture the moment. Or give the list to a friend or the photographer! 

The introduction list helps you be a great host. 

At events where people don’t all know each other, make a list of all the people who have things in common with each other and introduce them. It will put people at ease right away. When you do this ahead of time, it takes the pressure off you. 

The “What can I bring?” list will save you from scrambling. 

If you’re hosting at home, good guests will always ask what they can bring. Have your list ready to go. That way you won’t end up with ten desserts and no appetizers! And don’t forget about ice — it’s often overlooked.

When you have just days to put something together…

Last minute events can still be organized and fun! My suggestion for this situation is to keep it simple. For instance, serve appetizers only. Or host a happy hour instead of a whole event! I also love focusing on dessert and after-dinner drinks. Quality over quantity is the key here. My other tip for last-minute parties is to take the pressure off yourself. Delegate, delegate, delegate! 

For more tips, you can check out the full segment on PIX11 News. 

How are you going to boost your party-planning with lists?


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? CLICK HERE to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


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