Entries by Paula Rizzo

Carrot: Bossy To-Do List App Makes Productivity a Game

I don’t usually respond well to bullies but for some reason I’m really liking the Carrot app because of it’s pushy ways.  I downloaded the to-do list app after a friend told me about it and I’ve been using it for several days. The idea is that this to-do list with a personality will help […]

Pack These Items When You Travel

Traveling can be very stressful no matter how much you plan. People go travelling for a whole host of reasons. Some people are interested in doing something like this Cultural Care Au Pair, whilst others are only interested in being tourists. But there are some tips and tricks that I’ve found to help you out. […]

7 Tips for Traveling Abroad

While traveling abroad there were a few things that made my trip even easier so I’ve decided to share my list with you: 1. Use Airplane Mode: When you board the plane – put your phone on airplane mode and leave it on for your entire trip. This way you will avoid any crazy expensive […]