Entries by Paula Rizzo

5 Reasons to Start Holiday Shopping in August

Planning ahead will benefit you in ways you never even imagined — especially when it comes to shopping for the holidays. I always start my holiday shopping in August. Yep — I’ve already bought a gift for someone on my list! This is a tradition that I think you should start as well.

Put Puppies on Your List

Just a quick post to make you smile! Yesterday I came across the most amazingly adorable site – www.DailyPuppy.com. Each day you can opt to have a precious pooch delivered to your inbox or show up on your Facebook newsfeed. Or you can just check out the site or even download the iPhone app! How […]

How To: A Pro and Con List

Have you ever had to make a really big decision? You know — the type of thing that will change your life forever! It can be totally nerve wracking, for sure. Things like buying a house, changing jobs, having a child, planning your honeymoon, figuring out what outfit to wear are all big considerations and […]

List for Surviving a Conference

Wow — I’m tired! BlogHer12 was a great conference but I’m pooped and I didn’t even have to travel very far. I went from my apartment in the East Village to Midtown — basically the commute I do everyday to get to work. But participating in a conference is exhausting — both mentally and physically. […]