Entries by Paula Rizzo

List Maker Turns Passion Into Career

Imagine a place filled with lists to help you navigate through anything in your life. Moving, grocery shopping, meal planning — you name it. Well, such a place exists at ListPlanIt.com. It’s a site started by Jennifer Tankersley and you guessed it — she’s this month’s Featured List Producer: Q: Why do you call yourself […]

Lists Can Tell Stories

Your lists can tell so much about you. Where you’re going, what you’re doing, how much you have left to do, if you need milk, etc. More Than a Grocery List An artsy guy named Bill Keaggy collected a bunch of grocery lists in his blog and book, “Milk Eggs Vodka: Grocery Lists Lost and […]

Email Etiquette Checklist

I have to stop myself sometimes when I fire off an email because I think…”will this be taken the wrong way” or “I should probably say hello first.”  These are things we sometimes overlook in this digital world. But it’s important to mind your manners even when writing electronic mail. Every word matters. For some […]