Entries by Paula Rizzo

Checklist for Finding A Personal Trainer

Checklist for Finding a Personal Trainer by Laura DeAngelis, NASM CPT, AFAA Group Exercise Instructor If you’ve joined a gym and haven’t been to one in awhile – or ever – I highly recommend spending some time with Personal Trainers who can help you get familiarized with the equipment and start a safe routine. Many […]

Where’d I Put That Metrocard?

I’m sure this has happened to you at least once — you are running for the subway and realize you can’t find your metrocard.  It’s happened to all of us.  Or you realize that you don’t have enough money left on the card for a ride and the train goes whizzing by you.  Yep — […]

The “Hit Time” Method for Getting More Done

In TV news we use the term “hit time” a lot.  It means the time that your story will be “hitting the air.”  We will say “what time is your hit?” or “this hits in 10 minutes,” or “are you going to make your hit?” Using strict deadlines in the news business works — the […]

6 Steps to Simplifying Your Daily Routine

I have a problem getting out of the house in the morning. I do a lot of things like make lunch and pick out my clothes the night before.  So that’s helpful.  But in the morning I check emails, I tweak my blog, I post to Facebook, I poke around Twitter…all while I’m trying to […]