Entries by Paula Rizzo

Heidi Klum Loves Her To-Do Lists!

I really enjoy finding celebrities who are also list makers. It makes me feel like we’re a special bunch! In fact, there are many celebrities who are known list makers like Madonna and Sandra Bullock.  On Pinterest I made board dedicated to productive celebrities: Follow my Pinboard of Productive Celebrities Who Probably Keep Lists on Pinterest. […]

4 Newsletters That Are Worth Opening

I’m a naturally curious person so I’m constantly in search of the “next best thing.” I’m always signing up for unique newsletters, podcasts, programs, apps, etc. Some are great and others… not so much. But wouldn’t it be nice to cut to the chase and just know what will be worth your while? However, it […]

Limit Your Options And Get More Done

We often think that the more choices we have the better. That’s the whole idea behind bigger supermarkets and larger malls – more choices. But is that really what’s best for us? For example, if you’re a bridesmaid picking your dress can be a fairly daunting task, especially if the bride has told you to […]