Will you join my virtual flash mob? (There’s a freebie in it for you!)

thunderclapHave you ever heard of a flash mob?  It’s where a bunch of people get together in an unlikely place (like a mall or Times Square) and start doing a choreographed routine.  Usually it’s to the surprise and sometimes horror of others around them.  Sounds fun, huh?   I’ve never actually been in one but I think it could be a fun bucket list item one day.   In the meantime — I hope you’ll help me with this virtual flash mob of sorts I’m putting together to promote my book, Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed.

I’m testing out this new site called ThunderClap.it, which allows you to write a message and have people sign up to share it all at the same time.  See — kind of like a flash mob. Read more

3 Steps to Overcoming Your List-Writing Addiction

listsI got an email this week from a regular reader of this blog asking me for some help. She writes:

“What should I do if I’m spending more time writing out lists than crossing off tasks on those lists?”

Given that we make the most lists around holiday season I imagine a few of you might be suffering from this same problem, so I thought I would share my advice with you. Read more

How to Keep Track of Your Addresses

address bookAs much as I love new technology, especially technology that helps increase your productivity – there are a few ways in which I’m still behind the times. For starters, I still have one of those old school style address books. I write addresses in pencil so I can easily update when someone moves.  It works – until I need an address when I’m not at home! This week I’ve been trying to drag myself into the 21st century by looking at online address books.

While looking at all the various sites, I started to realize that at some point I was going to have to sit down and manually enter all my contacts! It’s not a job I’m particularly looking forward to, but that’s one of the necessary evils of modern technology. There are options to auto sync your contacts but I don’t want to import everyone’s email addresses, phone numbers, etc.  I just want their physical addresses in one spot! Read more