Successful List-Making Doctor

I work with a lot of doctors as a health producer. I’m constantly in and our of their offices and operating rooms covering the latest medical news. These highly successful people often have something in common — they are list makers. One particularly organized doctor is Dr. Jennifer Landa. She’s a hormone expert and the author of ‘The Sex Drive Solution for Women.’ She’s my featured list producer this month. Regardless though, we’re not here to talk about sex. We’re here to talk about lists!

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

A: I make lists all the time. I am busy doing so many things at once, as so many women are. I have a medical practice and am the Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMD during the workdays and of course, I am the Executive Director, Chief Cook, Bottle Washer, official Boo Boo fixer, wife and temptress extraordinaire at home. How could I possibly make it all work without lists? Read more

The Power of Lists

When you put a task down on paper – you set the intention to reach that goal. No matter if we’re talking about doing the best job at work or at home — lists will help you be more successful.  From grocery shopping, planning events, keeping track of your projects or going on vacation — a well-organized list will help you do more.


Recently I was asked to give some list-making tips and tricks on “The Joyful Organizer” Internet radio show.

Listen to internet radio with The Joyful Organizer on Blog Talk Radio

Take a listen — we cover these topics and more:

  • Strategies for staying on task during the day
  • Preparing for meetings and presentations
  • Why lists work for almost any task
  • My favorite kinds of lists
  • Tips for non-list makers

If You Want It Done Right, Don’t Do It Yourself!

I used to be like a lot of people who try to do everything themselves. But then I learned — I’m only one person, I need to ask for help sometimes! There are times when I still struggle with this concept but for the most part — I’m pretty good at delegating.  In fact — my guest blogger Leah Busque, founder of,  says having other people do things for you is the only way to get things done right.

If You Want It Done Right, Don’t Do It Yourself!

by Leah Busque

Consider this…Two men live alone on an isolated island. To survive they must undertake a few basic economic activities like water carrying, fishing, cooking and shelter construction and maintenance. The first man is young, strong and educated. In general, he is faster, better, and more productive at everything; he has an absolute advantage in all activities. The second man is old, weak, and uneducated. He has an absolute disadvantage in all economic activities. In some activities the difference between the two is great; in others it is small. Read more