List-Nerd Paradise: Smithsonian Archives’ Famous Lists

Lists are everywhere. They’re in our everyday lives, in history and even in art. I was reminded of this as I walked through the Morgan Library and Museum in New York City this weekend. I went to see their newest exhibit – “Lists: To-dos, Illustrated Inventories, Collected Thoughts, and Other Artists Enumerations from the Smithonian’s Archives of American Art” – also known as…”List-nerd paradise.” I was in heaven.

I’m a serious list maker – but these lists put even me to shame. There were lists of everything! Some were handwritten, some typed, some in drawings and doodles. Lists of animals, jewelry in production, things that made the author happy, models for paintings, expenses, clients, instructions, reasons for being too busy, inappropriate words and more desirable alternatives, resumes, receipts, addresses, costumes, slogans and even paint colors! You name it – there was a list for it.

Here’s a list (of course) of my favorites:

A Packing List

This is artist Adolf Konrad’s packing list. It’s from December 16, 1963. I love how he drew out every one of his paintbrushes, his comb, camera and all of his outfits. Just goes to show – it doesn’t matter HOW you make a packing list…as long as you make one to stay organized when you travel.

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NYC Restaurant Must-Eat List

Photo by: Steve Credo

Through the years I’ve made zillions of lists. One that I return to most often is my “Eating List for NYC.”  I give it to friends and family whenever they visit New York and I add to it if I find a truly exceptional place.

I recently had the pleasure of being a guest blogger for a friend I met on Twitter — Marnely Rodriguez is a pastry chef, foodie and writer from the Dominican Republic.  She wrote a guest post for me called “Must-Have Baking Tool List.” When she heard about my New York City restaurant list — she was thrilled and couldn’t believe she hadn’t been to any of them yet!

You can check out the list here on her blog “Cooking with Books.”

Being prepared with a list (about anything!) will help you enjoy any activity much more.  This is especially true when it comes to looking for restaurants.  I make a restaurant list whenever I go to a new city. (Check out my Chicago picks.)  By doing a little research beforehand — you end up with a delicious experience!


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Successful Financial Guru is a List Maker

List making can help you strive in so many areas of your life: work, home, relationships, leisure and even fashion! No one knows this better than Joe Duran. He’s this month’s featured “list producer.”

Joe is the CEO for United Capital, a national wealth-counseling firm that is one of the fastest growing companies in the financial services industry. Pretty impressive, huh? Well he owes a lot of his success to being a list maker!

1. Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

Lists keep people synchronized. I expect myself and everyone that works with me to stay on top of all the many things we are working on.

2. What do you make lists about?

I like everyone that works with me to keep two kinds of lists: action lists for any follow up items as well as checklists for repeatable activities.

3. How often do you make lists?

There is not a day that goes by that I am not given multiple checklists and action lists to look at. Read more