You Need A Wish List!

When people get married or have a baby they register for items they want or need. You don’t want mis-matched plates or decorations that don’t really go with your theme – so you tell people exactly what you need. It’s also smart because this way people won’t buy items that you already own. I think the same attention should be paid to holiday gift giving.

Why not make a wish list of all the things you’d like to receive so your friends and family have a guide? It will save time and money. Some etiquette experts might disagree but I think everyone could use a little help with their holiday shopping. Read more

List of Ways to Go Gluten-Free

Gluten-free is a buzz word these days. Many people actually have an intolerance to gluten. Everyone can benefit from less gluten in their diet but for people who have a gluten intolerance — it will change their lives!

I’m pretty sure my hubby Jay has a gluten intolerance — and he’s finally taking my advice and going to see an allergist about it. If he has it we’ll have to change the way we shop, eat and think! But that’s OK — I’m up for the challenge. The Organic Gourmet, Leslie Cerier, who has guest blogged before and introduced us to 10 gluten-free grains for everyone to incorporate into our diets. Now here’s a checklist if you want to go gluten-free! Read more

Checklist to Break A Boring Routine

Ever feel like your days are becoming carbon copies of each other? You get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, get to bed and then do it all over again. So boring! I know — it happens to me too sometimes. But I’ve made a checklist to make sure I don’t fall into the land of monotony:

1. Break your Routine: Try something different, anything! Take an alternate way to work, eat something new for lunch, read a newspaper you would never ordinarily pickup or visit a unique website. We are creatures of habit — but if you change just one thing in your day you will feel refreshed. Read more

Give Your To-Do List to Someone Else

Each month I feature a fellow list producer who has used lists to succeed. This month Leah Busque, CEO of is my featured list producer. The first time I heard about her company — I fell in love! It’s an amazing tool for getting your to-do list done!

Basically you sign in and name a task that you need accomplished — then a “task rabbit” will help you out for a fee! It’s like a personal assistant, guru and friend all in one! A while back we exchanged guest blogs and Leah wrote about why it’s important to outsource your to-do list so you can get more done. She’s absolutely right — giving up a few tasks to someone who can do them better will make your life so much easier!

1. Why do you call yourself a compulsive list maker?

Is there really any other way of being? I need to stay uber organized and prioritize the millions of things I have going on each day as founder and CEO of TaskRabbit (a mobile and web marketplace for getting things done). Read more

For Sale: John Lennon’s To-Do List

Gotta Have It Rock and Roll

***UPDATE: After 19 bidders battled it out — someone went home with this piece of history for $16,696!***

Have an extra $3,000 sitting around? That’s the starting bid for a very special piece of paper. John Lennon’s to-do list is being auctioned off by Gotta Have Rock and Roll and it’s expected to sell for upwards of $5,000.

I’ve always loved The Beatles, their music and their history so I was especially excited when I saw this list. Here’s a fun fact: I was actually named after Paul McCartney!  Funny, right?  Yep — my mom totally had Beatlemania and my dad indulged her lifelong crush when it came to naming me.

Lennon’s list was said to be made for his personal valet, Fred Seaman. So it makes sense that some of the items read like directions: Read more