A List Between Friends

As we head into the weekend I’m reminded of one of my favorite things to do – get together with friends. Once a week my closest friends and I try to make time to get together for dinner and catch up. We’re all professionals in New York City with hectic schedules so some weeks are easier than others. But we always make an effort to meet up to enjoy some good conversation, delicious food and wine. (You guessed it – this is a Pinot Grigio crowd.)

We have a ritual every week, which I started, of making an agenda of all the topics we’d like to cover. I know it’s a bit neurotic but my friends have embraced my list making and it really works for us! Read more

Where’d I Put That Metrocard?

I’m sure this has happened to you at least once — you are running for the subway and realize you can’t find your metrocard.  It’s happened to all of us.  Or you realize that you don’t have enough money left on the card for a ride and the train goes whizzing by you.  Yep — it’s unfortunate and avoidable.

Metrocard Overload

This very thing happened when I was with my friend Danielle recently — she was searching and searching for a card with $2.25 for a one-way trip on the NYC subway.  She found 7 cards total — none of them had enough on them.  We missed our train. I always keep my metrocard in the exact same place so I don’t lose it.  But not Danielle…sigh. Read more

Listen to my List-Making Webinar

I recently participated in a webinar on FriendsHealthconnection.com – it was a total blast! We talked about list making at home, work, for loved ones, for doctor’s appointments, techniques to turn kids into list makers and so much more! This is a link to the audio from the class — I hope you’ll visit and check it out.

It’s amazing how something as simple as a list can really help you focus, keep on task and get more done. Check out the class and please let me know what you think. If you have any questions or would like me to write about a particular topic — feel free to drop me an email: paula@listproducer.com.

Join My Live List-Making Webinar

Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot : FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I’m thrilled to announce that I will be participating in a webinar on Wednesday, February, 8th at 8pm ET.  It’s being hosted by the fabulous people over at FriendsHealthConnection.org, which is a community website for people dealing with health issues.  It’s for people struggling with an ailment, people who love them and just about anyone else who is interested in health.  They have hosted other guests such as Dr. Maya Angelou and the Dalai Lama.

The webinar will focus on list making and how it can make you successful in all areas of your life: work, home, body, mind and soul!  It will be live and I’ll use my webcam to communicate with everyone.  There will be a moderator and we will take as many questions as possible in the hour.  After the success of my teleseminar a few weeks ago — I’m really looking forward to this new format.  I do hope that you’ll join me!  Please sign up today.

Disorganized CEO Keeps It Together With Lists

One of my favorite things about this blog is featuring successful list producers each month and showing all of you how “cool” list making can be.  If it weren’t for lists — this month’s list producer may not be the woman she is today!  Seriously!  I met Laura Verallo de Bertotto, who is the CEO of VMV Hypoallergenics, on a shoot for almost five years ago.  I interviewed her mother, who is a dermatologist, about their skincare line.  We quickly became friends and have stayed in touch ever since even though Laura lives in the Philippines.  We share a love of lists and The Checklist Manifesto. Read more