10 Phrases That Will Make You More Efficient

Included in the list of topics I write lists about are quotes. Any time I hear an exceptional one I will email it to myself or enter it into my Evernote account to save for later.  My favorite personal quote is one that I’ve borrowed from Oprah — “You Become What You Believe.”  Isn’t that an amazing quote? I love it because it’s so true.  If you think you can do something — you can!

Another believer in quotes is Meggin McIntosh who hosted my list-making teleseminar last January. She’s extremely productive and helps people to do the same with her vast knowledge. These aren’t quotes that famous people have said but they are extremely helpful in allowing you to do your job well.

A List of 10 Phrases & Statements to Remember

by Meggin McIntosh | The Ph.D. of Productivity™

A number of statements and phrases are worth remembering in your quest to be more productive. Consider the following 10 (and in most instances, after you make the statement – stop talking.) These aren’t questions. They are statements:

1. “No, but thanks for asking.”

2. “Not now.”

3. “Let me get back to you after I’ve checked on a few things.” Read more

Vision Boards: You Become What You Believe

I’m not crafty but at the beginning of every year I make a vision board.  It’s my one craft project for the year and it’s so much fun.  Reading magazines is my guilty little pleasure and it comes in handy for this task.  Over the past few weeks I’ve been ripping out pages, pictures and words that speak to me.  I spent this evening gluing my favorites on a piece of poster board.

What is a Vision Board? 

The idea is to have a place for all the things you’d like to accomplish, places you’d like to go and things you enjoy.  Oprah talks about making vision boards because as she says, “you become what you believe.”  So if you use this tool as a jumping off point for your goals you are more likely to achieve them.  I use it as a reminder of my goals — like having a three bedroom apartment or going to Venice.  I also put photos of people I admire, things I enjoy like drinking tea and other ambitions like writing a book. Read more

6 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

the sexy santa assistants were there to take a...

As you know — I’ve been shopping for the holidays since August…so I won’t be doing any last-minute runs to the mall to buy gifts before Christmas. It’s my trick for reducing holiday stress. I also make lists and lists of everything that needs to get done so I don’t leave anything out. Gifts to wrap, calls to make, cards to buy, etc. List making will help you calm down and get everything accomplished for sure.

For some other easy ways to reduce stress in this crazy holiday season I turned to the experts at Chicken Soup for the Soul. The publisher Amy Newmark compiled these tips for us:

6 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

by Amy Newmark

The holiday madness is upon us. Are you feeling a little stressed out? Adding all that holiday prep to your already busy schedule may be putting you over the top. So if you are engaging in “Extreme Multitasking” these days, here are a few tips from the folks at Chicken Soup for the Soul that may make the rest of December go a little easier. Read more

Produce Your Life With Lists

As a TV producer — I think in lists all day long: segment ideas, schedules, questions, shots, etc.  Many of the skills I use at work come in handy in my everyday life too.  Grocery shopping, looking for an apartment, traveling and even clothing shopping becomes much easier with a plan — and a list!

If you think of your life like a newscast — and break it up into little bite-sized segments — it will be much easier to manage and be successful.  I talked to Hilary Topper on her show, “Hilary Topper On Air” about how thinking like a producer will make you more efficient and less stressed in every aspect of your life.  We talked about websites to make your life simpler, how to get your holiday shopping done with ease and ways to save money.

Take a listen to her show on Blog Talk Radio and let me know what you think!

Sniff This to be More Productive


Lavender (Photo credit: Iakobos)

Turns out certain scents will boost your productivity power. I’ve never tried it but it’s worth a shot especially because these smells are pleasant. Entrepreneur.com checked in with Beverley Hawkins, owner of the Vancouver-based West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy for her favorites:

  1. Lemon
  2. Lavender
  3. Jasmine
  4. Rosemary
  5. Cinnamon
  6. Peppermint

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice that can help relax, destress and empower, through the use of products such as a Scentsy Scent Circle, room sprays and essential oils.

There’s no need to go over the top and spray down the entire office. Just put a few drops of any of these essential oils on a cotton ball and sniff.

For more on why these scents will have you finishing up your work in no time — check out the original article here.