Talking Lists with MORE Magazine

I love meeting fellow list makers wherever I go.  

Many of the journalists I’ve worked with share my affinity for the list.  Tamsen Fadal — an anchor at WPIX in NYC, where I used to work is one of those list makers!  I even featured her list making abilities here.  

When she reached out to me about sharing some insights about ways to make better lists and be more organized I jumped at the opportunity.

The interview is for her video series on MORE magazine’s website. As a side note — I LOVE MORE magazine and I’m so sorry to hear that it won’t be published anymore.  I thought it was a really quality publication and I will miss it.    

In the video Tamsen and I chat about everything we love about lists, where to write them, how to make them and when to make them!

As Tamsen says, you could write a list of everything!  Here is the video, if you enjoy watching it, check out my YouTube channel.

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Stop Searching For Your Passion

screenshot-300x225Everyone has their “thing” — that one big goal they often dream about, tell their friends about and picture themselves achieving.  For me it was writing a book and it’s been thrilling to reach that goal.  

If you follow this blog regularly you’ve probably heard of my friend Terri Trespicio. I’m especially proud of her for reaching one of those goals that she’s spoken about often and dreamed big about.  

She did her very first TEDx talk in Kansas City a few weeks ago! She talks about finding your passion… or rather not finding it. Read more

Secrets to Boosting Your Confidence Now


I don’t believe confidence is something that we either have or we don’t. It’s more of a work in progress.

Even the most confident people occasionally hear those nagging voices in their head telling them they aren’t good enough, thin enough, pretty enough or smart enough.   

These insecurities can be such a pain, especially when they start to hold you back.

So how do we stop putting limits on ourselves and start reaching our potential?

I met a woman named Lori Ann Robinson who is an image and fashion consultant and she is tackling this very question in her “Style You Confident Virtual Summit.”

She asked to interview me on camera for my insights.  We chatted face-to-face via Skype. She’s also interviewed other top-notch experts from all over the world who will share with you their best strategies, secrets and wisdom on how to boost your confidence and make it STICK!   

  • I talked about how lists can help you achieve your goals
  • How lists can boost your confidence and help you be more productive
  • Secret productivity killers that you may not even know you’ve been doing!


A little more about Lori Ann — she was nominated for an Emmy award four times! This lady knows her stuff and in her free series you’ll get great insight into how confidence can make you flourish and pull you out of confusion and self doubt.

You will have access to incredible experts who will give advice you can use right away.

This summit is filled with tips and golden nuggets that will assist you no matter where you are in your life.  
Don’t miss out- CLICK HERE to register now!

Make This List to Get More Out of Your Day

412+FUKrQdLFrom CEOs to janitors, we all have the same problem – we don’t have enough time.

In fact, when you think about it, time is an equalizer.  That’s because we all only get 24 hours.

Even the President is forced to squeeze all his tasks into that 24-hour time frame.

So how do we do it?

I recently visited the Google headquarters with my husband in Mountain View, CA.  Our gracious guide Gopi Kallayil discussed this conundrum with us as he showed us around the gorgeous campus.

At one point he asked us, “If you only had one hour what would be the next one thing you would do with it that would maximize the quality of joy, presence and life?”

It’s a great question for unveiling your true priorities.

Often you’ll be surprised by how little time you dedicate to the things you would put at the top of that list. Read more

Famous Musician Loves Lists As Much As Us

Adam Duritz of the Counting Crows at EMC World...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do you remember Counting Crows? I loved them, and I was super excited when they came to perform at my college years and years ago. So you can imagine my delight when I found out the lead singer, Adam Duritz, is a huge listmaker.

In an interview with USA Today he said,

I have to have lists. I have lists in my phone, lists for all kinds of stuff. Lists of movies I want to see, lists of books I want to read. And I have a list of things I need to pack on a tour.”

Adam’s packing method involves one master list which he deletes items from as he packs them.  The article notes that lists are an essential part of Adam’s life, as he says, “I’ll walk out there barefoot and in my underwear if I’m not careful. But I have the list, so I don’t do that.”

Smart man!  Who is your favorite celebrity list maker?