These Lists are Shortcuts for Life

I’m all for shortcuts — that’s why I make so many lists about whatever task I’m working on.  Whether it be looking for an apartment or finding a new restaurant I like to work things out on paper and give myself a cheat sheet.  I’ve written about my new favorite source for cheat sheets called  It’s a great website that gives visitors the “skinny” on all sorts of topics to make life easier.

I’ve compiled a couple of lists for the site about how to be more productive and the best websites for planning a vacation.  It’s great fun to make lists using their software and to read some of the others on the site.  You can comment on and add to any list you like. It’s a nice way to interact and find shortcuts for just about anything.  You’ll find ways to declutter, the best subscription websites, amazing dessert recipes, etc.

I’m honored to be named as one of the SkinnyScoop Tastemakers.  That means that I’m part of a group of 9 women who will actively contribute to the site and offer our expertise in our various fields.  So I’ll be making lists about making lists! Perfect — I can do that!  I hope you’ll check out the site, upload your own lists and read through some of mine and the other Tastemaker’s lists.

Save Money on Halloween Decorations

Halloween is just days away and I still don’t know what I’m going to be! I have a party to go to but no idea about what costume I’ll wear. In the meantime — here’s some ideas on ways to save on Halloween decorations if you’re hosting a party. They come from Teri Gault of — she’s shared some tips on ways to save on your grocery bills in the past.

List of Ways to Save on Halloween Decorations

by Teri Gault

As CEO of, you don’t have to spend a lot of time using creativity to save money at Halloween. Fortunately it’s a time when almost anything goes. So make sure it’s not your money that goes out the window. Please, don’t pay full price for anything!

1. Make Dollar stores your first stop for decorations – Stop and take a look to see if there’s anything you like for decorations, then move on to more expensive stores for what they don’t have. But steer clear of paper plates and cups, as they can be flimsy and leak. Read more

List of Vegan Alternatives

Courtesy: D Sharon Pruitt

One of the most popular guest blogs on has been George Nickle’s “Checklist for Going Vegan.” He was kind enough to write it for Jay and I when we were thinking of “going vegan.” It’s been a tremendous hit and George has included some great information and even some recipes in the comments section when readers asked for more from him. Appreciate all his knowledge and willingness to share.

In light of the vegan post’s popularity — I’ve decided to feature another blog on this subject. This one is by a lovely chef from California. Chloe Coscarelli has a cookbook coming out and was the winner of Food Network’s “Cupcake Wars.” I’m actually doing a segment with her where we will try to turn our meat-loving anchor into a vegan convert! She has been a vegan for much of her life and has given me this list of popular swap outs for non-vegan foods. Vegan food is as popular as it’s ever been, even some non-vegans choose to have a vegan day, perhaps a ‘meat-free Monday!’

Top 10 Vegan Alternatives

bu Chloe Coscarelli

I’m dispelling the myth that animal-free cooking is bland, visually unappetizing and full of sprouts! By using my favorite vegan ingredients; you’ll never miss the meat, eggs, butter, or cream.

1. Vinegar

Vinegar is a great egg replacement especially for cakes. When combined with baking soda, vinegar acts as a binding agent and creates a moist texture.

2. Cashews

Blending raw cashews with water is a perfect cream alternative for savory dishes like fettuccine alfredo. Read more

Magazine Helps You Achieve Goals

Everyone can use a little push every now and then to achieve his or her goals. I think the best motivator is to hear about other people who are living their dreams. I’ve written about in the past — the social media site for goal makers and even highlighted their chief operating officer, Shelagh Braley, as one of my featured list producers. has just launched “Achiever Magazine,” which is all about helping you reach for the stars.

This first edition is geared towards college students and I have a feature in the magazine with tips for success. If you’re a regular reader of this blog — you KNOW that writing a to-do list is one of those tips! There’s also information about saving money, looking better and eating right.

But the real crux of the magazine is the inspirational stories. is filled with travel, family, home, career and personal goals and success stories. It’s those goals that have become the foundation for this magazine. I urge all of you to check out “Achiever Magazine” and let me know what you think!

Must-Have Tools for Home Cooks

Chicken Picatta is my signature dish. I got the recipe from Giada De Laurentiis and it’s my go-to dinner. I can whip it up in no time and it’s always delish. Good thing Jay likes it because he’ll be eating it for the rest of his life. haha! I’ve been trying to expand my menu and try new things in the kitchen though — but the tools you have are just as important as the foods you cook.

I reached out to Chef Lisa Schroeder from Mother’s Bistro in Portland, Oregon to get the 411 on what tools home cooks need to have to be successful. Here’s her list:

Home Cooks Essential Kitchenware

by Lisa Schroeder

With the right equipment cooking is easier and faster. Cook like a pro with these basic but essential items every home cook should have. Whether you are buying for yourself, or for a bride, you simply can’t go wrong with these classic items.

1. Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer, preferably the “Professional” (they have all kinds of grades with varying levels of horsepower… this model is the heaviest duty)

2. Set of good knives like Global, Wusthof, Shun (Most important knives: an 8-10 inch chef’s knife, paring knife, and a bread knife. Read more