A List Between Friends

As we head into the weekend I’m reminded of one of my favorite things to do – get together with friends. Once a week my closest friends and I try to make time to get together for dinner and catch up. We’re all professionals in New York City with hectic schedules so some weeks are easier than others. But we always make an effort to meet up to enjoy some good conversation, delicious food and wine. (You guessed it – this is a Pinot Grigio crowd.)

We have a ritual every week, which I started, of making an agenda of all the topics we’d like to cover. I know it’s a bit neurotic but my friends have embraced my list making and it really works for us! Read more

Must-Have Baking Tool List

My mother has always been the cook in the family. I’m not just saying this because she’s my mom — but she really is a fabulous cook. So for most of my life I had the “why bother” mentality when it came to cooking. My mom had it covered…so I didn’t need to.

With the help of Food Network, my husband and I have slowly become foodies! Now we love trying to make new dishes — even if they don’t always turn out right. But baking is something that my mother doesn’t do and still I haven’t jumped into that arena quite yet. Baking is a skill that even the best cooks can’t master a lot of the time, but can be a fantastic hobby to get into.  But it’s on my “to-learn” list so I’ve reached out to pastry chef Marnely Rodriguez for some help on what tools I might need before I start.

Must-Have Baking Tool List

by Marnely Rodriguez

Tools of the trade are thousands, but the following list is of the top 5 baking tools every person that bakes or wants to start baking should have. They are great tools that, when used correctly, will have you baking cakes and cookies on a weekly basis!

1. Digital Scale

Nothing is more important to a baker than their scale. Baking is a science and differentiates from cooking because you can’t really throw in random, unmeasured ingredients in a pan and magically have a chocolate cake.

A scale will let you precisely weigh your ingredients and develop a sense of awareness when baking. Just be sure to never convert volume measures (cups) to metric measures (ounces/grams). Stick to the metric system and you’ll be a step ahead of the crowd. Read more

List for a Successful Family Event

We just celebrated Jay’s grandfather’s 90th birthday! The whole family flew down to Florida to party with him – it was quite an accomplishment. Not only the longevity part but also the coordinating of nearly 25 people’s schedules! Everyone did their part to make “Papapaloosa” extra special – with cards, poems, cookies, creative stories and surprise guests – Papa was thrilled. It was worth all the traveling, scheduling and planning.

Pulling off an event like this is no small feat. I can’t take credit for it – because others in the family took the lead on this one but it is good to note that a list comes in handy when putting together something like this. You will definitely be less stressed if you write out everything in advance. Here’s a checklist for planning a successful family event: Read more

Super Bowl Party Saving Tips

I have to be honest…I really could care less about the Super Bowl. However, this year my hubby’s favorite team is in it — the Giants. So part of the fun will be watching Jay…watching the game. He is quite a character…pacing, standing up, yelling at the TV and even doing pushups in between plays! Some friends will be joining us and they’re just as into football as he is! They’ll be just as crazy as Jay when watching the game. It’s entertaining to watch them go mad over the football. But for those of you actually watching the game — here are some money-saving tips from Teri Gault the CEO and founder of TheGroceryGame.com

Save on your Super Bowl Party

by Teri Gault

A Super Bowl party doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, or your sanity! Make it a “grazing party”, nothing fancy. Just food lined up in the kitchen to grab and go any time. Here’s how to make it happen: Read more

3 Secrets to Making Homemade Meals

D Sharon Pruitt

Just this past weekend my parents came over to visit and it was like Iron Chef America in my kitchen. My mom helped me prepare delicious meals for practically every night of the week! We made chicken soup from scratch, lasagna and chicken cacciatore — yum! Weekends are a great time to catch up and make healthy meals that will last you the whole week long. This is the best time of the week to cook proper meals as it can be difficult to make them to the highest standard in the week. My mom even suggested to me that I should have a look at these hailey home personalized cutting boards as a way to encourage me to cook more when I have a spare moment. She has one, and she says that she gets excited every time she uses it because it is personalized to her. I may have a look soon as I do like cooking and I want to be able to spend more time doing it.

When I started making lists as a Tastemaker for SkinnyScoop.com — I was introduced to Liza Huber, the founder of SageSpoonfuls.com, who empowers moms to make fresh food for their families. She created this list so we can find some time to eat better: Read more