Ways to Get Holiday Cards Under Control

I’m a stationery junkie — I love it! There’s something so nice about hand writing out a letter or card.  I’ll admit though — writing out holiday cards can be overwhelming. But I start months in advance to make it less daunting.

I have an ongoing document that I use to print out address labels.  I add to it throughout the year and change addresses when someone on the list moves.  I keep it in Dropbox so I can access it anywhere, anytime.  Then I start filling out the cards slowly — a little every night.  That way it’s not too much of a chore and I actually enjoy it.  Then I stuff, seal and stamp slowly too.  And here we are at the very beginning of December…and I’m done.

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3 Ways to Be Less Stressed for the Holidays

christmas 2007

christmas 2007 (Photo credit: paparutzi)

It’s pretty much impossible to not feel the heat when the holidays arrive. Gift giving, traveling, entertaining, cooking, parties, expenses, family — the list of stressers go on and on! For the past few years I’ve been making a conscious effort to go easy on myself. Here’s some of the ways I combat holiday stress:

1. Start holiday shopping early: Don’t wait til the last second! It will only stress you out. You have more than enough time to get gifts for everyone on your list without doing the crazy person dash on Christmas Eve. Online shopping is pretty much the best invention ever. Use it to your advantage! Lots of retailers offer free shipping too. Read more

Track Packages and Spending With Slice

Life just got so much easier for me.  I’m constantly buying things online — especially now that I’m in full on holiday shopping mode.  Sometimes its hard to keep track what I’ve bought and when the deliveries will be made.  I don’t have a doorman and if there is alcohol in the package then an adult has to be home to sign for it.  And that isn’t always possible so either my husband or I end up stalking the UPS or FedEx truck.  But no more!

I’ve discovered Slice.com.  It’s the perfect away to keep on top of all your shopping and save money too. You can link it up with your email so the website and app will find all of your recent purchases and organize them for you.

Slice will tell you when the package is expected to ship, when it actually ships, where it is currently and when it’s supposed to arrive at your door.  There’s even customer service numbers and return policy information attached to each order.

Your history will show all the items that you’ve purchased and categorize them for you so you can track your spending. (This is useful eventho it’s a bit scary to see where all your money actually goes.)  And the coolest feature of all — you will be alerted if an item you bought went on sale and that merchant will issue a price adjustment if you ask.  That alone is worth signing up for Slice.com.

It’s free to sign up on the website and the app is also free.  I’ve been singing it’s praises ever since I found it.  Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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Evernote: An App to Organize Your Life

I basically tell anyone who will listen to me about how amazing Evernote is. It’s an app and website that keeps track of nearly anything you want it to. A friend who is also obsessed with it once called it an “extension of her mind.” I think that’s pretty accurate. Anything you want to keep track of but might forget — should go into Evernote.

Here’s how I’m using it: Read more

Make These Changes and Be Happier

Brett Blumenthal

I’m a creature of habit — in grade school I would hate having to move desks! It seems like such a small thing but I remember having such an issue with this. But sometimes change is good and can present you with opportunities you wouldn’t necessarily come across (like sitting next to a cute boy in class!)

I’m fortunate enough to be acquainted with author and health expert Brett Blumenthal — she’s shared a list of small changes that will give big returns in the happiness department! Read more