Online Calendar Makes Life Easier

How do you keep track of everything going on in your life?  Do you make lists? Keep a pocket calendar? Or track everything on your phone?  Appointments, events, classes, your kid’s sports commitments and dance classes — can all fill up your lives but can be tough to organize in one place.  I found a great solution —

The online calendar is really smart — you can share it with several people and checkout what’s going on at all times.  The site will help you keep track of upcoming events, invites, daily to-dos, favorite blogs, and groups you’re a part of.  So if you want to plan an event with your book club or your child’s soccer team…all the information can be stored and shared on  When you sign up you get your own “dashboard” that you can easily make a part of your everyday routine.

If you’re drowning in paper calendars or want to ditch your dry-erase board – this is a great way to organize your life. HatchedIt is a free tool that will make your life simpler and more streamlined. You can even update the calendar when you’re out and about with their iPhone or Android apps. Let me know how you like using it.

DIY Dry-Erase Frame & 10 Ways to Use It

Creativity comes in many forms.  For me — writing is my creative outlet. But give me a glue stick and some glitter and I’ll definitely make a mess — not a masterpiece.  I like crafts — but mostly when other people do them!  My guest blogger Molly is a whiz with such things and she’s whipped up this post about how to make a dry-erase frame yourself for your lists!  Love that!  I think I’ll even attempt this one myself 🙂

DIY Dry-Erase Frame + 10 Ways to Use It

by Molly Borter

Like many of you, I’ve been making lists for as long as I can remember. From what I need to pack for a weekend getaway to my observations on a sunny day, I can’t seem to stop scribbling on notepads, post-its, napkins, envelopes—well, just about everything! And while I have invested in my own cutesy stationary in the past, I’ve always wanted something easier and budget-friendly. Read more

Join My Live List-Making Webinar

Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot :

I’m thrilled to announce that I will be participating in a webinar on Wednesday, February, 8th at 8pm ET.  It’s being hosted by the fabulous people over at, which is a community website for people dealing with health issues.  It’s for people struggling with an ailment, people who love them and just about anyone else who is interested in health.  They have hosted other guests such as Dr. Maya Angelou and the Dalai Lama.

The webinar will focus on list making and how it can make you successful in all areas of your life: work, home, body, mind and soul!  It will be live and I’ll use my webcam to communicate with everyone.  There will be a moderator and we will take as many questions as possible in the hour.  After the success of my teleseminar a few weeks ago — I’m really looking forward to this new format.  I do hope that you’ll join me!  Please sign up today.

List for a Successful Family Event

We just celebrated Jay’s grandfather’s 90th birthday! The whole family flew down to Florida to party with him – it was quite an accomplishment. Not only the longevity part but also the coordinating of nearly 25 people’s schedules! Everyone did their part to make “Papapaloosa” extra special – with cards, poems, cookies, creative stories and surprise guests – Papa was thrilled. It was worth all the traveling, scheduling and planning.

Pulling off an event like this is no small feat. I can’t take credit for it – because others in the family took the lead on this one but it is good to note that a list comes in handy when putting together something like this. You will definitely be less stressed if you write out everything in advance. Here’s a checklist for planning a successful family event: Read more

Super Bowl Party Saving Tips

I have to be honest…I really could care less about the Super Bowl. However, this year my hubby’s favorite team is in it — the Giants. So part of the fun will be watching Jay…watching the game. He is quite a character…pacing, standing up, yelling at the TV and even doing pushups in between plays! Some friends will be joining us and they’re just as into football as he is! They’ll be just as crazy as Jay when watching the game. It’s entertaining to watch them go mad over the football. But for those of you actually watching the game — here are some money-saving tips from Teri Gault the CEO and founder of

Save on your Super Bowl Party

by Teri Gault

A Super Bowl party doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, or your sanity! Make it a “grazing party”, nothing fancy. Just food lined up in the kitchen to grab and go any time. Here’s how to make it happen: Read more