Boosting Productivity with a Virtual Assistant

There’s a type of debt that I’d bet you didn’t know you had. It’s the debt you accrue from pushing tasks back into times you had reserved for other things.

My friend and colleague Melissa Smith calls this “time debt.” Melissa is the founder of The PVA, a firm that matches personal virtual assistants with entrepreneurs, executives, authors, consultants, coaches, and anyone else who needs some help. She helped me find my own virtual assistant and it’s been life changing. 

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Beating Email Overwhelm

Sometimes small productivity shifts are actually huge. 

That’s the case with emails. Especially now that so many people are working from home, there’s an expectation that everyone needs to respond to emails and messages immediately.

That expectation of being constantly “on” is actually harming your productivity! It’s a hard one to tackle because email overwhelm is such a big issue in the workplace and it comes from the top down! 

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Productivity Trend Forecast for 2021

COVID-19 has changed the way we work — every single one of us all around the world. No one could have predicted the pandemic’s effect on how we work. 

Just as 2020 was unlike anything we’ve seen, so will be 2021 when it comes to work and productivity. 

Here are my five productivity trend predictions for 2021! 

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Stop Multitasking and Practice Kotsu-Kotsu

Do you ever find yourself answering texts or emails during Zoom meetings? If you do, you’re not the only one.

Multitasking seems like a great way to get more done in less time. But it’s actually undermining your productivity and causing more stress if you do it all the time.

Why? Because humans are just not wired to multitask. 

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Checklist to Take Your Remote Office on the Go


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


If you’ve been working remotely because of the pandemic, by now you’ve probably got some of the basics down — where in your home you work, what your hours are, and what you wear. (Although I have my opinions about the Zoom shirt…)

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