Why Did I Start This Blog? (And other Listful Questions)

I’m excited to share the first of what will hopefully be many interviews about my upcoming book, Listful Thinking.  I’m always grateful for an opportunity to talk about my love of lists with other people and help them become more productive. Recently I was invited on Blog Talk Radio’s Conversations Live to discuss what inspired me to start this blog and how to use lists at home specifically to get the most out of your day!

Here’s the interview!  I hope you’ll take a listen:

Check Out Motivation Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Inspirational Conversations on BlogTalkRadio


What Santa Can Teach Us About Productivity

SantaEvery year Santa delivers presents to all the boys and girls around the world. It’s fair to say he’s a pretty busy guy. In order to keep Christmas magical Santa has to keep his time management skills in check.  And if you’ve ever been delighted with the gift of your choice on Christmas morning…you know he’s good, real good at this!

Here are some ways you can be more like Santa and get more done: Read more

Stationery Entrepreneur Manages Her Life and Business With Lists

unnamedRunning a company and managing a family is not an easy feat. However, our featured list producer for this month does just that. In fact Bonnie Marcus launched her stationary company while she was pregnant with her first child. As a pregnant entrepreneur, she launched HMHB, where she blogs about pregnancy advice and writes about maternity products, like baby bottles, for other moms. She has been kind enough to answer a few questions and share some of her productivity tips.

1. Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

As the owner of a very busy design studio, and mommy to 3 very busy little boys, I wouldn’t be able to last one day without having a “to-do” list of priorities in front of me! There is always too much to do & too little time to get it all done, but with a list of priorities, it is all much more manageable. Read more

Will you join my virtual flash mob? (There’s a freebie in it for you!)

thunderclapHave you ever heard of a flash mob?  It’s where a bunch of people get together in an unlikely place (like a mall or Times Square) and start doing a choreographed routine.  Usually it’s to the surprise and sometimes horror of others around them.  Sounds fun, huh?   I’ve never actually been in one but I think it could be a fun bucket list item one day.   In the meantime — I hope you’ll help me with this virtual flash mob of sorts I’m putting together to promote my book, Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed.

I’m testing out this new site called ThunderClap.it, which allows you to write a message and have people sign up to share it all at the same time.  See — kind of like a flash mob. Read more

3 Steps to Overcoming Your List-Writing Addiction

listsI got an email this week from a regular reader of this blog asking me for some help. She writes:

“What should I do if I’m spending more time writing out lists than crossing off tasks on those lists?”

Given that we make the most lists around holiday season I imagine a few of you might be suffering from this same problem, so I thought I would share my advice with you. Read more