How are Listful Living and Listful Thinking Different?

One of the questions I’ve been asked most often as I prepare to publish my second book, Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You, is…

“How is Listful Living different from your first book Listful Thinking?”

I’m so glad you asked! I even did a Facebook Live about this topic. 

I’ve had an eventful few years since I wrote Listful Thinking.

Exactly one year after it published — my appendix burst.

A very dramatic way to slow down and embrace a new mantra, “Rest is the New Hustle.” 

Then I started my own business as a media trainer and strategist and joined the entrepreneurial world full time.  Read more

Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You

1440 minutes. That’s how many minutes there are in a day. How are you spending those precious minutes? Do you feel drained at the end of the day or look back and can’t figure out where the time went?

Productivity doesn’t just equate with being more organized  or ticking everything off your list, it’s about making your time  work for you.

That’s why I’m excited to share with you my new book, Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You. If you liked How to Get Sh*t Done, my first book Listful Thinking or Dot Journaling―A Practical Guide, you’ll love Listful Living.

Anyone can make a list.

But can that list make you a calmer, more mindful, super productive and less stressed version of yourself? It’s easy to become overwhelmed by to-do’s, bucket lists and goals.

The secret to success is not just about what you put on your list but what you intentionally leave off. Less is more. Leading with intention and how you’d like your life to feel is key.

Listful Living is the perfect book for list makers and life planners. Learn to:  

  • Tap into your own productivity style to get more done
  • Curate your list making to best serve the lifestyle you want to lead
  • Prioritize what’s truly important and be mindful of where you spend your precious energy
  • Create a roadmap to be less stressed

After I published my first book over four years ago, I’ve had my share of ups and downs. When my appendix burst I learned so much about the importance of creating time for myself and the value of doing nothing!

Leaving my full time job at FOX News to start my own business as a media trainer and strategist  has only emphasized those beliefs for me.

As an entrepreneur it can be difficult to separate yourself from your work, although it’s critical to force that divide in order to avoid burnout. It’s true not just for entrepreneurs, but for everyone to not allow one aspect of their life to consume the rest of it.

So how do you find the perfect balance for you and make it happen? I walk readers through a list-making journey to a less stressed version of themselves in Listful Living.

It’s a list-making journal and it’s available for pre-order right now.

If you’re inclined to pre-order I’d be very grateful. Pre-orders are very important for authors because it tells the publisher and the press that there’s interest in the book and it gets a buzz going.

I’m putting together bonuses for anyone who pre-orders the book but they’re not quite ready yet.

If you do pre-order – please send your receipt to and we’ll keep track of them so you get hooked up with the bonuses when they’re ready.

There will be extra special bonuses for anyone who orders 5 or more copies as well!

Carve Out Space to Get More Done

The biggest issue with writing (or any creative task really) is finding the time to sit down, distraction free, and put your ideas to paper.

We often put it off and never get to it.

I interviewed Karen Rizzo (no relation) author of “Things to Do, Sh*t to Bring” years ago and in her book she kept saying she wanted to learn Italian.

And guess what – she never did. She didn’t give herself the space and time to do it. Maybe you have tasks like that.

For me – I had to jump on a plane and travel across the world to give myself the space to write. I just returned from a writing retreat in France and it was divine. It was in Paris and it gave me time to focus on my creative side. (I started writing a novel! Who knows where it will go but it was so fun to start writing.) Read more

Creating The Minimalist Kitchen

BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.

As you know, I like to consider myself a minimalist, but there are certainly areas of my life where I am not necessarily practicing  what I’m preaching. In fact, Melissa Coleman, author of The Minimalist Kitchen,” has shown me that when it comes to cooking and organizing, I have a lot to learn.

I first met Melissa when she was one of my private media training clients.

We got along straight away, as we’re both productive and practical people. Melissa’s speciality is helping you really think about the ingredients that your using as well as cutting back on an overflowing pantry. She’s like the Marie Kondo of the kitchen.

We spoke recently about all of her best minimalism tips in this video interview:

How it all started

Melissa had always been a competent cook but, after the birth of her daughter, things started to unravel:

“I had my daughter about … she’s five now, and the kitchen completely broke for me. I did not know how to get dinner on the dinner table. It was mind-blowing, and it got to the point that I looked over at my husband and I said ‘I’m going to either quit this space or fix it.’”

A big life change can often leave us having to re-evaluate the systems we have put in place.

What worked before will not always work forever.

So how did Melissa turn it around? She invented her own system.

“The Minimalist Kitchen was born. I love food, I love to eat, and so I wanted to preserve the dinner table. And getting back to the dinner table took a long time. It took making over my pantry. It took changing my shopping habits. It took convincing my husband to change his shopping habits.”

Of course, it’s important to not just find a style that works for you, but for those you live with too. Melissa saw her kitchen like a restaurant that needed to be managed.

“I’m the restaurant owner and I need to build the system for my employees. I don’t like that hierarchy, but just for an example. And it needs to work for my employees. Like, the snack bin for my five-year-old needs to be at a place she can reach it or she’s gonna scale the pantry and it’s gonna all fall apart.”


Fixing What’s Broken

When she was looking at what wasn’t working, Melissa started with her pantry.

“I had spilling bags of pasta and rice. I had every variety of rice, because different recipes call for different varieties.”

How many different types of rice do you have? How can you combat this? Melissa explains you have to pick just one.

“What you use most, or an ingredient that you really like how it performs. I imagine if you looked in your pantry there would be one rice that you pick up every time. Or when it runs out you replace that rice, even though you’ve got five other bags. Or, the same with pasta. There’s a bunch of different varieties of pasta, and I imagine that you go pick the same one.”

As much as I hate throwing stuff away – it’s true. There’s no point keeping things we never use.

Melissa recommends getting rid of everything at the back of your pantry and learning to work with what’s at the front – the items we use most.


The Concept of Negative Space

Melissa’s background in graphic design has inspired her minimalist quest.

“I am a graphic designer by trade and before that I was a painter. A technique or a philosophy or a tool that I always grabbed was negative space, and then when I became a designer they called it white space. I realized that what I’m doing now is what I was doing then. I am trying to minimize what’s around me in my physical space to create physical white space and mental white space. Just a space to breathe and think.”

Melissa also uses a lot of lists, like I do, in order to plan her meals for the week.

“I have to write down a meal plan. I have to not only write it down, I have to see it, so we have this huge chalkboard in our house that I write the meal plan on for the week. So as I’m going throughout my week, I see that list and then I make that list.I used to loathe dinnertime, and when I see that list, I know what to do, I know what to buy at the store. I just make dinner and it feels light. It feels easy and really doable, but prior to not having a list, trusting my brain, it was not working so well.”

If you feel like you need more help, be sure to check out Melissa’s book, “The Minimalist Kitchen. It features loads of great recipes that all use the same core ingredients -the kind of stuff you already probably have lying in your pantry. So you can spend less time shopping and more time cooking! My personal favorite is the take-out cashew chicken.

Melissa has something special coming up in the New Year. In January, she’s launching a deeper pantry cleanse tutorial. It’s taking the same concepts of the book, but taking a deeper dive, doing worksheets, really making it so practical so that you can completely makeover your kitchen. I’ll keep you posted on that because it’s something I need to do as well! We can do it together.

BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.

Do This Gut-Check With Your To-Do List

It’s official!

It’s been one year since I became a full-time entrepreneur! Do you believe it? Wow!

In that time I’ve really honed in on what I really want to do in my business and what I can best leave to others.

I also launched a new website for my media strategy and training services at to let the world know what I’m doing! And I’m really proud of it.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in this year is to do what I call a “gut-check move.”

That’s made all the difference for me and it’s something you can do with your to-do list today! Read more