Ways to be Practical and Glamorous

I love to feel glamorous just like the next girl…but if you haven’t already noticed — I’m also pretty practical. But there’s room for both in your life.

Practical: Everyday I wear my sneakers to work as I commute on the NYC subway because walking in heels hurts too much.

Glamorous: Once I get to work I slip on a pair of my favorite heels that are neatly tucked away on the shoe rack under my desk.  (Yes, I have a shoe rack under my desk.)

Here is a list of small, daily doses of beauty and style to slip into your daily life that are easy to implement, innovative and budget-neutral from Constance Dunn, author of ‘Practical Glamour.”

Glamour-A-Day Tips

by Constance Dunn

The overall idea is that by engaging in such little moments of luxury, you will increase the positive tip of personal glamour in your life, and look and feel better for it.

Let this list inspire you to create your very own list of practical glamours, and when you do, don’t even think of limiting yourself on those things that will make your world a more vivid and personally lovely place.

Engage an Exciting New Edible

When at the grocery store wander down an aisle you usually don’t frequent, and look for something totally different than the usuals that fill your cart. The exotic, ethnic or imported food aisles are filled with unknown delights. Chicherones, kumquats or smoked kippers, anyone? Read more

Essentials for Throwing an Outdoor Soiree

It’s not even summer yet and already people are ditching their desks and heading for the beach and backyard barbecues. Massive summer parties are happening across the country with many people going all out and getting a tent rental sacramento to fit all of their guests in! After all, summer is a perfect time for a party so why not go all out? Sure you’ll need great food and fabulous music but what else makes an outdoor soiree a success? I asked entertainment expert Mindy Kobrin from Meals on Heels by Mindy for her outdoor-party checklist.

Giant Umbrella

A giant umbrella shields party guests from the blazing afternoon sun and some hanging Buitenlantaarn (outdoor lantern) lights will illuminate the table come nightfall.

Citronella Candles

Mix citronella candles with other colorful tea lights to keep away pests and offer diners light cotton shawls to ward off a chill in the evening.

Fragrant DIY Misters

Give guests a gift that keeps giving by using small spritzer bottles as natural hydraters. Simply add fresh mint and lavender sprigs to each spritzer bottle before filling with water. Affix cute labels and serve on a large platter. Read more

NYC Restaurant Must-Eat List

Photo by: Steve Credo

Through the years I’ve made zillions of lists. One that I return to most often is my “Eating List for NYC.”  I give it to friends and family whenever they visit New York and I add to it if I find a truly exceptional place.

I recently had the pleasure of being a guest blogger for a friend I met on Twitter — Marnely Rodriguez is a pastry chef, foodie and writer from the Dominican Republic.  She wrote a guest post for me called “Must-Have Baking Tool List.” When she heard about my New York City restaurant list — she was thrilled and couldn’t believe she hadn’t been to any of them yet!

You can check out the list here on her blog “Cooking with Books.”

Being prepared with a list (about anything!) will help you enjoy any activity much more.  This is especially true when it comes to looking for restaurants.  I make a restaurant list whenever I go to a new city. (Check out my Chicago picks.)  By doing a little research beforehand — you end up with a delicious experience!


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Shopping for Clothes with a List

This weekend my husband was cleaning out his closet – so I was inspired to do the same thing. Our approaches were quite different – he was done in 10 minutes after giving each item a quick glance.

I, on the other hand, had to try on EVERYTHING with the right shoes and undergarments. Please! How am I supposed to know if it still looks good without seeing the whole look? This process took me two hours. (I have a lot of clothes.)

Closet-Cleaning Strategy

I made five piles to keep myself organized as I went through my clothes and shoes:

1. Keep: Stuff that I have worn in the past six months and look really good on me.

2. Donate: Stuff that I really loved at one point but no longer fits, I’m tired of wearing or I’ve never actually worn (I know I’m not the only one who has done this! Right?) If you don’t know where to donate your clothes — here’s a list for “Getting Rid of Stuff.” Read more

A List for a Happy Baby

I’ve gotten to the age where everyone is either getting married or having babies. It’s like when you’re 13 and everyone is having a bar or bat mitzvah and you wish you were Jewish so you could have one. Or when you turned 16 and every girl had a “Sweet 16” and was learning to drive. The marriage and the babies stage are the same. Except…those who don’t have them are either happy without them or yearning for them. It’s a mixed bag.

Me — I’m not ready to be a mom but from what I’ve heard…your life is turned upside down by that little human — in a good way. And your priorities and entire schedule completely changes. But guess what — a list will help you cope!

My good friend Arianny is a new mom. She said that one of her friends told her about buying second-hand clothes for her baby, so she can save some money to spend on other things, like diapers.  Anyway, she wrote me this email recently:

You would be proud: I keep a list of everything I need to pack in Gabriel’s diaper bag in the side pocket of the bag. Every time I pack it to go out, I take out the little list. Everything from bottles to toys. It’s the key to a happy baby.”

Here is Arianny’s list of things that I think should be kept in diaper bags (recently updated because he just started solids):

1. Diapers

2. Wipes

3. Burp Cloth

4. Bibs – lots of them

5. Blanket

6. Bottles & Water

7. Formula

8. Pacifiers – a couple for when they drop and get dirty!

9. Change of clothes/PJs

10. Solid meal

11. Spoons

12. Toys/Teether

Don’t forget the tablet with those sing-along songs that helps baby sleep. Who knew having a baby would have so many accessories! But it makes sense — being prepared for a new task is all you need to be successful and less stressed out. You’ll even save some time too. Who cares if you need a cheat sheet…even to be a good mom. Trust me — your baby won’t mind!