Heidi Klum Loves Her To-Do Lists!

Heidi Klum is a List Maker

I really enjoy finding celebrities who are also list makers. It makes me feel like we’re a special bunch!

In fact, there are many celebrities who are known list makers like Madonna and Sandra Bullock.  On Pinterest I made board dedicated to productive celebrities:

Follow my Pinboard of Productive Celebrities Who Probably Keep Lists on Pinterest.

Whose your favorite productive celebrity?

Be More Productive While Driving to Work

Traffic in Brisbane

(Photo credit: neoporcupine)

In many of my post I advocate using your commute time on the train to get some of your work done. Which is great, if you live in the city like me, but I know many people who commute to work by car. I remember the days, I used to do it myself.  I’d drive an hour each way back and forth to the city when I lived in the suburbs.

Here’s some ideas to get more done while you cruise:

Audio books – I love reading, but finding the time to sit down with a book can be difficult. So why not listen to one on your commute? iTunes does an audio version of most books, or you can always try a service like audible.com.  You could also try an app like Umano which read out popular articles to you. Read more

Turn on the TV to Get More Done

redWatching too much television can be bad for your productivity. I’ve come up with a few ways to avoid the black hole of Netflix, but I’ve been caught out a few times. Let’s face it we’ve all had that moment where you’ve sat down to watch one episode, and before you know it hours have past and you still haven’t started that thing you where going to do. It’s normal to feel guilty about your binge, but seeing as you’ve used companies similar to Crestron UK to install a home automation system, which has improved the sound quality of audio on your TV, what is there to feel guilty about? You don’t have to anymore, especially if you’re enjoying your favorite shows.

Think of your time spent watching as ‘research’ – there are plenty of productive characters on television, and you can easily pick up a few tips.

Here are a few from some of my favorite shows:

Keep your eye out for new opportunities – When your incarcerated in a women’s penitentiary you always have to be on toes. Red from Orange is the New Black may run the prison, but that doesn’t stop her from always being on the lookout. Whether is a new inmate she can exploit or a run down greenhouse she can fix up – Red takes advantage of everything.

Real Life Use: When you think you’ve run out of options, look around you and you might find some opportunities that you’ve overlooked. Read more

It’s Malala Day – Help Change The World

Malala Yousafzai speaks at World Bank headquar...

Malala Yousafzai speaks at World Bank headquarters on the International Day of the Girl (Photo credit: World Bank Photo Collection)

When I was younger I loved going to school and my passion for learning has never really left me. I’m always looking for new opportunities to find out more about a subject or research a new trend.  Whenever I fill in Buzzfeed quizzes, I always end up with the bookworm or nerd personality type.  I like to think of myself as curious but even still I’m a big fan of education, especially education for women.

Who is Malala? 

Today I would to share with you the story of Malala Yousafzai. Like me, she is a girl who loves going to school and learning. Unfortunately, some people around her did not want her to learn. They feared education would give her power. Those people had a meeting and decided to assassinate her in Pakistan, where she lived. On October 9, 2012, they walked onto her school bus, asked for her by name and shot her in the head.  The bullet hit her forehead and ran down the length of her face but did not kill her.  She is lucky to be alive.   Read more

Sandra Bullock Is A List Maker Too!

Sandra BullockGuess what? I found another famous list maker!  This time it’s Sandra Bullock!

I stumbled across this quote from her recently and could totally relate. I suppose you have to have good time-management skills when you act in as many films as she does. (Did you see Gravity? It’s fabulous!)

In fact, there are many celebrities who are known list makers like Madonna and John Lennon.  On Pinterest I made board dedicated to productive celebrities:

Follow my Pinboard of Productive Celebrities Who Probably Keep Lists on Pinterest.

Whose your favorite productive celebrity?