Questions to Ask Your Mother (or Father) Before It Is Too Late

Pretty much without fail — I call my mother every single day. I love checking in and seeing how her day was and filling her in on mine. I realize not everyone does this — but I love the relationship I have with my mom. If it’s one hour or one minute — we always check in with each other. It’s very comforting.

I recently did a teleseminar with Meggin McIntosh and of course my mom was listening on the line. She’s been my biggest cheerleader for every stage of my life and I’m fortunate to have her in my life. Not everyone talks to their mother every day but as Meggin writes in this guest blog — there are some questions you should be sure to ask the next time you talk: Read more

Making Visual Lists With Pinterest

There are lots of different ways to make lists — handwritten, apps, typed out in documents, by calling your voicemail, and even by drawing pictures.  The website is changing the list-making game.  I have been dedicating some real time to getting to know it and it’s fabulous.  It’s so much fun and once you start you won’t be able to stop!  My guest blogger Jennifer Anastasi is addicted!

Go Paperless With Pinterest

by Jennifer Anastasi

Have you heard of Pinterest? I’m a do-it-yourself, crafty type so I always have a list of project ideas a mile long. Previously, I thought I was pretty organized by keeping my ideas in a 3-ring binder and going through them every few months to weed out things that I’ve done or no longer plan to do. However, I’ve ditched the binder since discovering Pinterest. Seriously, I am in love with Pinterest and it has been so much fun to use it to organize my vision boards, craft ideas and more online! No more magazine clippings, random notes and paper scraps! I’ve gone paperless with Pinterest and you can too. Read more

Checklist for Living in the Moment

Whenever someone gets engaged or married or has a birthday I always say the same thing “enjoy every second.” It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the real purpose of the event. That can be said for almost anything in life — even just sitting down for morning cup of tea.  How often are you checking your blackberry and really not present in the moment when you’re having lunch with a friend?

So how do you live in the moment and truly enjoy life to the fullest? Ha — it’s really not that easy — but this checklist from author, life coach and psychotherapist Lauren Mackler will give you some ideas.

The Art of Living in the Moment

By Lauren Mackler

Ideally, a balanced life encompasses the ability to learn from the past, live consciously in the moment, and work toward your hopes and dreams for the future.

Think about people you know who are so caught up in their work or personal dramas that they never enjoy life in the present. Maybe this is you! Perhaps you have trouble relaxing, even when you feel mentally and physically exhausted. Maybe you just can’t stop worrying about what might happen or ruminating about what you should be doing. Read more

5 Health Benefits of List Making

Ambro /


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


Making a list will make you more organized, productive and efficient.  But did you know that there are actual health benefits to list making too? Yes – it’s true. I’ve spoken with psychologists and surgeons about this topic and they’ve all said the same thing: lists will help you be healthier.  Whether you’re writing down healthful goals or just making grocery lists — the benefits are equal:

1.  Reduce Anxiety: How many times have you said “I have a million things to do – how am I going to get it all accomplished?”  A list will help to ease those fears. As soon as you start writing things down on paper (or in your smartphone) and get it out of your head — your stress levels will drop. Read more

Check Me Out in Women’s Health Australia

Imagine if you could add a few minutes to your day.  Think about all the things you could accomplish — meet with friends, write more blogs, throw a dinner party, etc. We are all guilty of wasting time every now and then.  But one of the things that I’ve perfected over the years is really focusing when I need to get tasks accomplished. It’s very hard to be disciplined enough — but it is possible.

Being more productive doesn’t require adding more time on the clock — you just have to change the way you think and alter some of your techniques.  Want some examples?  Read “Rewire Your Time” in Women’s Health Australia.  I was interviewed along with a few other women who make the most of their time to get more done!

I’d love to hear what you think of the article.  I’m basically famous down in Oz!  haha — ok, not really, but this is what I’m telling myself. I’m excited to share this with you.