Website Makes Your Life Easier With Lists

List nerds rejoice! I’ve found a website where you can upload all sorts of lists and share them with others all over the Internet.

I’m all about this site because I share the exact same philosophy. Give me what I need to know in easy, bite-sized blurbs.  They make it easy to share and add to lists.  You can even embed them on blogs and in emails.  And it’s lots of fun to make these lists and get suggestions from other people.

There are lists about just about anything on the site like:

“I Don’t Know How She Does It” List

Ways to Observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month

12 Tips for Packing for a Move

I even made one of my very own! Check it out and please add your own secrets for getting more accomplished at work.


Fulfilling Dreams With a List

A dream may be to visit a winery in Italy for example, or to write a book. Even if this seems difficult at first, there are always options like checking out a plot generator, for example, to start the writing process off. We all have to start somewhere. Another dream could be to own a fabulous apartment, hold a koala…these are all things on my “life list.” You know, the things you want to do before you die — some people call it a bucket list.

I think having goals is essential to living a happy life…that way you always have something to look forward to and work towards. My love of lists of all kinds lead me to, where you can record all of your life dreams and wishes. It’s a social media site for goal-oriented people. Soon there will be a magazine called “Achiever” to go along with it.

I’ve been fortunate enough to get to know the CEO Bill Starr and COO Shelagh Braley — they are seriously fabulous people and so motivated to make people’s lives more enriched. Shelagh is this month’s featured list producer: smart, successful and a list nerd!

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

A: My company, My Life List, is totally based on lists for success in creating your major life experiences. How do you achieve any goals without making a list and a definitive plan? My Life List is based on the concept that if you write down your dreams and engage others to support you, they become achievable goals. Read more

How Do You Do It All?

I’m a big Sarah Jessica Parker fan — since the days of Carrie Bradshaw in “Sex and that City.” Her latest film, “I Don’t Know How She Does It” tells the story of a working mother who aspires to do it all!

I don’t even have kids yet and I know exactly how her character feels!  Trying to keep it all together at work and at home can leave you overwhelmed and frustrated. But as Sarah Jessica’s character has found — making a to-do list (even if they are in your head) will help you to prioritize and get more done. It will also help to keep you focused and save you time and money.

When you’re running on empty try to remember:

1. It’s OK to not be perfect all the time (this coming from a perfectionist!)

2. Give yourself a break! You are juggling your life, your family’s lives and all your responsibilities at work. Take some time out for yourself to recharge and do whatever you want to do. Even if that means watching the Golden Girls and eating popcorn!

3. Ask for help.  No one will think less of you if you reach out for a little assistance. Two heads are better than one — most of the time.

4. Just say no. Of course you want to help with the bake sale and take the lead on a project at work — but if you can’t do it all, then don’t. It’s OK to say that you can’t pile one more thing onto your plate right now. If that means taking a hiatus from your book club — then so be it!

What’s your secret for juggling your work, family life, hobbies and social lives?

30 Days of List Making

It’s day two of the “30 Days of Lists” challenge!  Yesterday’s list prompt was “Goals for this Month.”

Here’s what my list looked like:

1. Put a dent in my holiday shopping

2. Get more guest bloggers for

3. Finish reading “The Lost Symbol”

4. Try 3 new recipes

5. Eat more dark chocolate — it’s a health food!

After members of the group made their lists — we share them via the private blog and Flickr group. That way you get to check out everyone’s lists. Some people are really crafty and make a little art project out of it.  Others Photoshop some really beautiful lists and still others simply write them out on paper.

I’m a traditional list maker — I use my reporter’s notebook and a pencil! But seeing all these lists are really inspiring me to be a little more creative this month.

You can still sign up and participate in the full month of list making fun!  I’m looking forward to making today’s list: “I’m Happiest When…”


Nutrition Guru Makes Lists

I love finding successful list nerds just like me! I’ve been working with Frances Largeman-Roth for several years. She’s the Senior Food & Nutrition Editor at Health Magazine, a mom and also a list maker!  She’s expecting another little bundle in a few weeks and she’s shared her Food-Shopping List for a Healthy Pregnancy and let me feature her here as this month’s List Producer.

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

A: Because if I have a notebook or even a scrap of paper, a list will get made! I find that list-making helps to clear my head so that I can move on with the rest of my day and be productive.

Q: What do you make lists about?

A: You name it—I do 5-year goal lists, errand lists, packing lists, and since I have a move and a baby coming up, lots of lists related to what I need to buy and do. I also do work-related to-do lists since I work in a deadline-driven industry. Read more