It’s the beginning of the new year and everyone is already fantasizing about their grand plans for 2017.
You’re in luck because this is the perfect time to get moving on your goals. Not to get too “woo woo” but Mercury Retrograde came to an end on January 8th.
So what does this mean? Well many people believe in avoiding making life-changing plans or decisions during the retrograde, because it’s a time when everything is in flux. They save all this for after the retrograde, when the chips have all fallen and you can make firm plans for the future.
Whether you believe in this theory or not, January is a great time to start planning your future. So how are you going to make this year different from all the other years?
The only way to break out of these patterns and start accomplishing our goals is to take responsibility for our role in that downfall. For example, your diet didn’t fail because a donut place opened across the street from your apartment. (Yum!) It failed because you chose to go there! (Multiple times…)
Bad habits are not just the actions we take, sometimes we can develop bad ‘thinking’ habits. So you might think failure is inevitable, which subconsciously causes you to act in a self-sabotaging manner. This ultimately allows you to prove that you were right about being a failure in the first place and continues the negative cycle. A self-fulfilling prophecy.
This year it’s important to take control and understand how you can break out of that cycle and your bad habits and get more done.
One way for you to get the most out of your day is to sign up for my webinar – “5 Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity & How to Optimize Your Time”.
It’s time to stop being ‘busy’ and time to start getting things done!

I’ll be hosting two sessions of the webinar. One on Wednesday and one Thursday at 8pm Eastern. Pick a day that works for your schedule and sign up by clicking this link.
I’ll walk you through ways to rethink how you plan out your day so you can cut down on procrastination, make more attainable goals and have time to do the stuff you really want to do.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- How to make simple changes to your everyday routine to get more done
- Discover how you’re really spending your time and find out how to optimize it so you’re not “busy” all the time.
- Start building momentum towards the things you want most by creating a time-management system that works for you.
- Feel in control of your life and your goals instead of feeling stuck.
- Learn the quickest ways to be more efficient for free without spending tons of time
I look forward to talking to you and showing you how to get more done this year! Join me!