Tag Archive for: Amazon.com

Pre-Order My Book Today!

ListfulThinkingI’m so excited to announce that my book “Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed” is now available for pre-order! You can reserve your copy now from either Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Indigo.

Do you have family members who are list makers? Or friends could use a few productivity tips? Then I have an extra special offer for you – if you pre-order 3 copies of my book you’ll get a free 30-minute phone or Skype call with me to assess your productivity!

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5 Productivity Tips For Black Friday Shopping

christmas shopEven with some stores opening as early as 6 pm on Thanksgiving night, time is of the essence when it comes to Black Friday shopping if you want to score the best deals before time or inventory run out. I’ve personally given up Black Friday shopping all together in exchange for shopping early and scoring deals while still in my slippers on Cyber Monday. However you do your holiday shopping – it’s important to remember a few rules to shop smart:

1. One stop shopping. Stores like Amazon.com, Overstock.com, Target, and Walmart all carry a range of products from home goods to clothing to electronics. When you pick one store and do the bulk of your shopping there you’ll save time waiting in lines, money on multiple shipping costs, and the headache of tracking your “Black Friday Budget.” Read more