Tag Archive for: benefits of list making

Join Me Tonight for My Webinar!

Tonight’s the night! I’ll be hosting my webinar tonight, January 15, 2014 at 8 pm ET


If you want to do more in less time, the solution could be as simple as downloading the best app or making the right list. That’s why I’m here to help!


Join me tonight to learn:

  • How to prioritize your lists
  • How to make the best lists for your life needs
  • Why list making is so beneficial
  • How to be more efficient day-to-day

Lists are my secret to success – join me to find out how! RSVP here

If you have any issues you’d like me to address, please don’t hesitate to reach out and drop me a line.

When you sign up you will get a reminder email with a link to the webinar. See you there!


De-cluttering Advice From Katie Couric

English: Katie Couric at the Tony Bennett Birt...Recently, I read a Woman’s Day article where Katie Couric admitted that her nickname in college was “Pig-Pen” because of her messy dorm room. I’ve admired her forever, so I was shocked to discover that someone I would have bet money was a list producer would admit to being so disorganized!

It’s pretty cool that Katie admitted to still battling her “hoarder ways” and it helped me realize that my list making is actually a tool I use to prevent getting burnt out from balancing too many things on my plate. Sometimes, we all need tips and hacks to keep us on track, so here are a few tips on de-cluttering from Katie and me!

Katie’s Tips: Read more

Tips For Pumping Up Your Productivity

I love The Daily Muse – they always feature amazing career and productivity advice. Recently, the site posted an infographic featuring the “6 Best Things You Can Do Every Morning and Night.”

I Ioved this graphic (first and foremost because it’s a list!) but I couldn’t help but wonder if we can improve a few of their tips…”List Producer style.”

1. Make a “night before” list – I’m a big supporter of any list that gets you organized but I have to say, this list is a little too specific. As an alternative, I’d say keep a small notebook next to your bed for any last minute reminders or thoughts that keep you up at night. Read more

Fab Find For Good: Nick’s Picks

Most Fridays I feature a product or app that I think is totally fabulous. For the month of December, I’m taking it a step further and featuring Fab Finds For Good – because what good are fabulous things if you can’t share them AND help others?

Meet Nick Wallace, a teenager who is the founder and CEO of the growing charitable organization, “Nick’s Picks.” Nick was born with a liver disease that resulted in tons of visits to the hospital in his early childhood. He even had a liver transplant when he was 13. When a friend was hospitalized with cancer, Nick wanted to give him a backpack full of all of the things he loved in the hospital. So he made a list (love that!) of his favorite things and “Nick’s Picks” was born!

Today, Nick hands out backpacks full of the items on his list to hospitalized children with transplant issues, chronic illnesses, or in hospital isolation. These bags include all of the items on Nick’s List including: Read more

Your Favorite Characters Are Probably List Makers

Bert (right) and Ernie (left) with his rubber ...

Bert (right) and Ernie (left) with his rubber duckie . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I spend my days trying to come up with interesting content for this blog and find list makers in unsuspecting places.

While watching TV one day it occurred to me that some of our favorite characters must be list-makers too!  I’ve talked about celebs like Madonna and John Lennon making lists but what about some of the people we invite into our homes every day? 


I wonder what’s on the to-do lists of my top 5 “probable” list makers:

1. Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)ned

  • Ask Homer if he is done with my lawn mower
  • Come up with a more efficient way to iron
  • Sign up for church bake-sale

2. Claire Dunphy (Modern Family)claire

  • Call a professional to fix “the step”
  • Figure out the perfect anniversary present for Phil
  • Bail Hailey out of jail

3. Bert (Sesame Street)bert

  • Count the bottle caps in my collection
  • Feed Bernice (his pet pigeon)
  • Meet Ernie at Hoopers Store

4. Monica Geller (Friends)monica

  • Clean the vacuum with the dust buster
  • Learn the rules of football so you can beat Ross in the “Geller Cup”
  • Go out to the stores and get mayonnaise (NOT light mayo)

5. Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)sheldon

  • Buy more hand sanitizer
  • Engineer perfect Spock costume for Halloween 2014
  • Prove to Penny and Leonard that I have perfect pitch

What characters do you think are natural-born list makers?

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