Tag Archive for: focusing on being happier

Happiness Seeker Gretchen Rubin is a List Maker

Have you ever wished you were happier? I think a lot of people think about this but do nothing about it. Author Gretchen Rubin did something about it and spent a year focusing on ways to be happier. The result is a fabulous read called The Happiness Project. If you haven’t read it — you must. It’s funny, cute, insightful and thought provoking. She also has a blog by the same name.

It has changed the way I think about a lot of things and it has even altered my morning commute. Instead of stuffing myself onto the packed L train — I opt to walk to Union Square through a lovely park. I get a little exercise and I get some time all to myself.  Happiness found!

As you’ll read in the book — Gretchen is a list maker.  I’ve asked her to share some of her list-making secrets as my featured “List Producer” this month. Read more