Tag Archive for: how to be more organized

How to Stop Doing Busywork


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


Busywork is the worst. But we all have those tasks on our lists.

Somehow we all get trapped in the cycle of tiny tasks that eat up our valuable time. And while we can’t avoid every single one of those tasks, we can learn to work smarter instead of harder.

Podcaster and author of Free Time: Lose the Busywork, Jenny Blake, joined me on Inside Scoop, to help us move from friction to flow with smarter work systems.

Here are three tips to help streamline and simplify your workflow.

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Designing a Home Office for Productivity


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


We all know the difference between a work space that does and doesn’t work. It’s usually pretty intuitive — especially when you’re working in a place that is hampering your productivity. 

Despite this, many people have trouble pinpointing what elements work together to create a space that does work.

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Stop Multitasking and Practice Kotsu-Kotsu

Do you ever find yourself answering texts or emails during Zoom meetings? If you do, you’re not the only one.

Multitasking seems like a great way to get more done in less time. But it’s actually undermining your productivity and causing more stress if you do it all the time.

Why? Because humans are just not wired to multitask. 

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Designing Happier, Less Stressful Lives After the Covid-19 Pandemic

BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.

A few years ago, I had a wake-up call that put my life on hold — my appendix burst! I was in the hospital for nine days and home from work for six weeks. 

During that time, I realized that there were some things that I didn’t want to put back on my to-do list after I recovered.

That experience made me rethink my priorities. As I mention in my book, Listful Living: A List Making Journey to a Less Stressed You, slowing down is prioritizing on steroids. 

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Tools to Be More Productive Working Remotely

BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.

Since I started working for myself as a media strategist, author and speaker, a few years ago, I’ve become an expert at working from home. I really love it actually. 

But I know all about how hard it can be to adjust to remote work when you’re used to an office environment and being around people all day long. 

Many more employees are working remotely now because of coronavirus (COVID-19) — and if you’re one of them, you might have run into new challenges with keeping up your motivation and productivity. 

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