Tag Archive for: how to remember things without writing them down

5 Ways to Remember Anything

Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I write down everything: To dos, books I want to read, groceries I need to get, websites I want to visit, gifts I want to buy, goals I’m trying to reach…I mean everything! Part of me does that so I can make the task or action a real concrete thing. Once I write something down it becomes attainable – it’s the first step of a plan to accomplish it. But the other part of me does it because I don’t want to forget it.

I rely on written list, emailed lists and lists in apps all day long to remember things. But what about when you are in a situation when you can’t write something down? You’re at the gym for instance and you have a great thought or remember something you need to do later… but there’s no pen and paper around. Or you’re taking a break from technology and don’t have your smart phone with you while you’re on vacation and inspiration hits you.
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