Tag Archive for: how to write a book

Speare Helps Writers Become More Productive

We are all writers in some form.

Writing is such a brilliant creative outlet – whether you’re a journalist, blog writer, advertiser or just writing sassy emails to your office co-workers – writing is a core part of our lives.

People like to talk about writing as though its this magical process filled with moments of genius and innovation – which it can be.

But most of our time spent writing is spent sitting in front of a laptop, thinking about what to write.

So when you do decide to finally write a novel you’ve always dreamed off, or start up your own blog you tend to hit a roadblock.

Am I right?

Writing certainly isn’t as glamorous as it seems.

I’ve written before about how to break free from writers block, but today I want to share with you a powerful tool that can help expand your creativity and stop writer’s block before it even hits.

It’s called Speare and it’s designed to help you write in small bits to help pull together an entire project more quickly.

Rather than list all the benefits here I thought I would ask the app, Kent Sisco, to chat with me about them on my YouTube Channel.

In the video Kent and I chat all things writing and how in many ways, it all comes back to classic productivity methods.

Kent is actually a reader of this blog and read my book Listful Thinking too!

We met because he signed up for my online course Lights Camera Expert, which is designed to help experts, authors and entrepreneurs get and keep media attention.

He did the work and showed up to our live group calls and that’s how I got to know about the amazing productivity tool he created.

Plus he got himself some great media attention too! Being productive can come in handy for so many tasks 🙂

Writers from all backgrounds use Speare.

It’s not just for books or blogs but it’s even used by pastors!

Speare is designed for anyone with a passion for the written word – it’s name comes from Shakespeare after all!

For more go to Speare.com.


How to Break Down Your Goals

Whatever project you have in mind, whether it’s writing a book, planning a big dinner party or starting your own side hustle, these big ideas can quickly become overwhelming. Thinking about all the work you have left to do can make you feel like giving up before you even begin..

To help me feel less overwhelmed I use a little trick called “backtiming.” This is a concept I picked up from my day job as a TV news producer. If your show finishes at 11pm, that’s it, you can’t over run. So to make the news work on time we start with the end in mind and work backwards. This guarantees that you’ll finish on time.

This method has multiple real world applications, if you’re a whiz in the kitchen you probably use this method to ensure all the various elements of your dish will finish at the same time. You can also use backtiming to plan out your future goals. For more on how backtiming works check this out.

It also helps to break up your goals into smaller, more manageable pieces. You can focus on one of these lists at a time to prevent yourself from getting distracted by all the other pieces of the puzzle. Read more

What should you be doing right now?

As you know I am a huge procrastinator. When I have a big deadline looming, that’s normally the exact time I decide cleaning my apartment is super important! Or I’ll spend hours researching a topic to write a post about, instead of just writing it!

The bigger and more demanding a task is, the bigger our reasons for not doing it become. For example, if you want to write a book tidying up your apartment is probably only going to buy you a day or so and then you’re going to have to write that book! Read more

List For Writing A Book

pencil-918449_640Since writing Listful Thinking I’ve spoken at several public events and book signings about my writing process. It’s come up at pretty much every event.  I suppose it’s because “write a book” is on so many people’s bucket lists.  People always want to hear my checklist for writing my book.

Well, first of all, you can’t just stick “write book” on your to-do lists along with “buy milk” and “pick up laundry.” That’s a sure way to know your off to a bad start. That’s because “write book” is way too big a feat for just one task on a to-do list.

But imagine you’ve set some time aside in your day and you’re determined to finally get your idea onto paper.

Now what?

Writing a book, like raising a child, is a case by case basis thing. What works for me might not work for you so feel free to adapt these tips based on what works for you. Read more