Tag Archive for: listproducer.com

5 Ways to be a Better Complainer and Get What You Want

United Breaks Guitars

United Breaks Guitars (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A few weeks ago, I told you about an app that helps you skip the wait-time when calling customer service. However, just because you get to talk to a person faster doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to get what you want. I’ve had amazing customer service, but I’ve also had really horrendous help that leaves me so frustrated. You know what I mean – it can be really hard to keep your cool when the stranger on the other end of the phone is being difficult about their company shipping you the wrong pair of pants.

A few years ago Dave Carroll was flying United Airlines when he noticed that the people loading the plane were throwing his guitar around, resulting in a broken guitar when he landed. He spent months dealing with United’s customer service, only to discover that they weren’t going to do a thing about his smashed guitar. Dave took matters into his own hands, writing the song “United Breaks Guitars” and exposing the airline’s bad behavior in a viral video that resulted in United reaching out to David and offering to replace his unusual guitar. Now, when the rest of us have to get a new guitar, we can’t quite get United Airlines to send one for us. Instead, we can compare a range of small bodied guitars on a site like thesoundjunky until we find the guitar that is right for us.
I know that we don’t all have the luxury (or the musical ability) to handle bad customer service the way Dave did, but here are a few ways anyone can complain smarter and get better customer service: Read more

6 Productivity Shortcuts To Save You Time

Recently, a friend told me she heard a statistic that claimed that the average American living in suburbia can spend up to 3 years of their life waiting at traffic lights. I live in NYC so this time-waster doesn’t apply to me directly, but it really got me thinking about how I might be wasting time even in my very productive life. I’ve written before on the basics – laying out your clothes the night before, having a plan for the morning, etc – but I believe that just like goals are achieved by focusing on the small steps, maximum productivity is achieved through shortcuts.

Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Using keyboard shortcuts – The tech experts at brainwave.com estimate that you save 2 seconds per minute when you use keyboard shortcuts (vs. reaching for the mouse). If that doesn’t seem like a lot of time – that 2 seconds per minute adds up to 8 workdays per year – that’s an extra vacation!

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Watch My Webinar To Boost Your Productivity

I started this site nearly three years ago when a friend asked me to share an apartment-hunting list I had made. And helping others become more organized and productive has been the major reason I’ve kept writing for all of these years. Wednesday, I decided that it was time to take that help to the next level so I hosted my very first webinar!

It was a lot of fun (despite some technical glitches — please excuse!) In case you missed it, you can see it here:

One of the biggest setbacks people face is just getting started. Let me help you tackle your inbox, find time to cross off your to-dos and make better lists to set you up for success in 2014! If you want personal help, please fill out this Free Productivity Assessment to better understand where you need more organization in your life. I’ll hand pick a few people to have a personal one-on-one phone call with to focus on any issues that are keeping you from being more productive.

Thanks for checking out my webinar!

Join Me Tonight for My Webinar!

Tonight’s the night! I’ll be hosting my webinar tonight, January 15, 2014 at 8 pm ET


If you want to do more in less time, the solution could be as simple as downloading the best app or making the right list. That’s why I’m here to help!


Join me tonight to learn:

  • How to prioritize your lists
  • How to make the best lists for your life needs
  • Why list making is so beneficial
  • How to be more efficient day-to-day

Lists are my secret to success – join me to find out how! RSVP here

If you have any issues you’d like me to address, please don’t hesitate to reach out and drop me a line.

When you sign up you will get a reminder email with a link to the webinar. See you there!


De-cluttering Advice From Katie Couric

English: Katie Couric at the Tony Bennett Birt...Recently, I read a Woman’s Day article where Katie Couric admitted that her nickname in college was “Pig-Pen” because of her messy dorm room. I’ve admired her forever, so I was shocked to discover that someone I would have bet money was a list producer would admit to being so disorganized!

It’s pretty cool that Katie admitted to still battling her “hoarder ways” and it helped me realize that my list making is actually a tool I use to prevent getting burnt out from balancing too many things on my plate. Sometimes, we all need tips and hacks to keep us on track, so here are a few tips on de-cluttering from Katie and me!

Katie’s Tips: Read more