Tag Archive for: listproducer.com

I’m Hosting A FREE Webinar to Boost Your Productivity in 2014

I have loved sharing my favorite apps, productivity tips, and list making solutions with you at ListProducer.com over the past few years. Now, however, I think it’s time we take this relationship to the next level and meet face-to-face…so I’m hosting a free webinar!

If you want to do more in less time, the solution could be as simple as downloading the best app or making the right list. That’s why I’m here to help! Join me on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at 8 pm ET to learn:

  • How to prioritize your lists
  • How to make the best lists for your life needs
  • Why list making is so beneficial
  • How to be more efficient day-to-day

Lists are the secret to success – join me to find out how! RSVP for free here.
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Tips For Pumping Up Your Productivity

I love The Daily Muse – they always feature amazing career and productivity advice. Recently, the site posted an infographic featuring the “6 Best Things You Can Do Every Morning and Night.”

I Ioved this graphic (first and foremost because it’s a list!) but I couldn’t help but wonder if we can improve a few of their tips…”List Producer style.”

1. Make a “night before” list – I’m a big supporter of any list that gets you organized but I have to say, this list is a little too specific. As an alternative, I’d say keep a small notebook next to your bed for any last minute reminders or thoughts that keep you up at night. Read more

Fab Find For Good: PaperKarma

You know how it is — you come home, bring in the mail and sift through tons of unwanted ads, credit card deals, flyers and magazines for things you’ll never buy. This paper waste takes up precious counter space and also head space as you sift through it all. It’s so annoying! Sometimes it can sit around for weeks before you can “deal” with it all.

About a month ago, I discovered the solution – PaperKarma. This fabulous little app lets you snap a picture of your junk mail and then they contact the mailer and remove you from their distribution list. Easy, right? That’s why it’s my “Fab Find“this week – because what good are fabulous things if you don’t share them?

I’ve made about 15 requests so far with this app and only one took more than a few seconds to be successful. The nice thing about this app is that they follow up with you because sometimes it can take a few weeks for companies to take you off of their lists. It’s been a great tool that I’ve now made part of my mail-reading routine. I simply open my mail and scan the stuff I don’t want to get any more. Done. Read more

List for Surviving Your Holiday Party

Holiday Party Season 2008 (wkd #1)The holidays can be fabulous but they can also be kind of awkward – especially when it comes to work parties. A work party is different than a regular party, but its also different than just regular old work, so you should be prepared with a list to calm anxiety and make sure you enjoy your self and get something out of it!

Use your office holiday party as a productive way to grow your career – but make sure you shine by following these tips:

1. Network – Where else can you shmooze with HR managers, higher-ups, or pretty much any department without the need for a formal request for their time? Use your office holiday party as an opportunity to connect strategically with people who can help grow your career. A good tip is to make a list – write down the names of people you want to talk to and include their titles and potential topic points. Read more

Never Be Late Again

Blue alarm clock

Blue alarm clock (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When did it become okay for people to be late to everything? I consider being on time really important because it shows respect for others when you show that you value your time – not to mention, it’s just good manners! It seems to me like society has decided that certain situations (job interviews, movies, etc) warrant showing up exactly on time, but for everything else the time is just a guideline.

I had a close friend who was always late to everything and it drove me nuts! I would tolerate it because she was my friend but I really hated it. I think it’s inconsiderate – and it’s totally just not how I operate! If I say I’m going to call you at 11, I will call you at 11 on the dot!

If you’re someone who can never seem to do things on time, try one of these tricks: Read more