Tag Archive for: Parties

List for Surviving Your Holiday Party

Holiday Party Season 2008 (wkd #1)The holidays can be fabulous but they can also be kind of awkward – especially when it comes to work parties. A work party is different than a regular party, but its also different than just regular old work, so you should be prepared with a list to calm anxiety and make sure you enjoy your self and get something out of it!

Use your office holiday party as a productive way to grow your career – but make sure you shine by following these tips:

1. Network – Where else can you shmooze with HR managers, higher-ups, or pretty much any department without the need for a formal request for their time? Use your office holiday party as an opportunity to connect strategically with people who can help grow your career. A good tip is to make a list – write down the names of people you want to talk to and include their titles and potential topic points. Read more