Tag Archive for: Saving Money

Super Bowl Party Saving Tips

I have to be honest…I really could care less about the Super Bowl. However, this year my hubby’s favorite team is in it — the Giants. So part of the fun will be watching Jay…watching the game. He is quite a character…pacing, standing up, yelling at the TV and even doing pushups in between plays! Some friends will be joining us and they’re just as into football as he is! They’ll be just as crazy as Jay when watching the game. It’s entertaining to watch them go mad over the football. But for those of you actually watching the game — here are some money-saving tips from Teri Gault the CEO and founder of TheGroceryGame.com

Save on your Super Bowl Party

by Teri Gault

A Super Bowl party doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, or your sanity! Make it a “grazing party”, nothing fancy. Just food lined up in the kitchen to grab and go any time. Here’s how to make it happen: Read more

12 Ways to Save Money on Groceries

Living in New York City is expensive but Jay and I have noticed that we spend most of our money on food! Once you realize how much discounts can help you save money (even if it is just a couple of dollars), your shopping habits could change for the better. When it comes to eating healthy, it isn’t always easy. Buying junk food is cheaper, which is why many people decide to go for this option. With that being said, it isn’t the best for us.


We love to eat out but it’s pricey so we do try to use the skills we’ve learned on Food Network or from Guy Fieri to whip up our own masterpieces. Sometimes it works out — sometimes we order pizza to make up for it.

I’m not really a coupon girl but I do know that they will save you loads of cash if you can invest time in finding them. But I’m lucky to have this checklist from Teri Gault of TheGroceryGame.com to help. Teri started this business because she had a knack for clipping coupons and saving money. So she used her skills to create a business where members can reduce shopping time and save money by using coupons at the right times.

How to Save Money on Groceries

by Teri Gault

As CEO of www.TheGroceryGame.com, I LIVE by a list for everything in my life. If my day is getting stressful, it’s usually because I haven’t made a list of all the odds and ends for my day. I’m constantly planning something for which I need a list. And then I tend to make lists of lists! Since I primarily exist to help people save on one of the most expensive line items in their budget, groceries, it only seems fitting that I provide a checklist on how to save on every trip to the market without using a pair of scissors. Read more

How Do You Do It All?

I’m a big Sarah Jessica Parker fan — since the days of Carrie Bradshaw in “Sex and that City.” Her latest film, “I Don’t Know How She Does It” tells the story of a working mother who aspires to do it all!

I don’t even have kids yet and I know exactly how her character feels!  Trying to keep it all together at work and at home can leave you overwhelmed and frustrated. But as Sarah Jessica’s character has found — making a to-do list (even if they are in your head) will help you to prioritize and get more done. It will also help to keep you focused and save you time and money.

When you’re running on empty try to remember:

1. It’s OK to not be perfect all the time (this coming from a perfectionist!)

2. Give yourself a break! You are juggling your life, your family’s lives and all your responsibilities at work. Take some time out for yourself to recharge and do whatever you want to do. Even if that means watching the Golden Girls and eating popcorn!

3. Ask for help.  No one will think less of you if you reach out for a little assistance. Two heads are better than one — most of the time.

4. Just say no. Of course you want to help with the bake sale and take the lead on a project at work — but if you can’t do it all, then don’t. It’s OK to say that you can’t pile one more thing onto your plate right now. If that means taking a hiatus from your book club — then so be it!

What’s your secret for juggling your work, family life, hobbies and social lives?

Simple Solution for Gift Giving

Today Jay and I are loading up the car and heading upstate for our friend’s wedding. It’s going to be at a gorgeous place called Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. Ok – so it’s not really upstate but if you live in NYC everything north of Westchester is upstate. It’s going to be a gorgeous and relaxing get away and we’ll get to celebrate with some of our dearest friends.

This weekend is also my best friend Danielle’s 30th birthday. So between this wedding and Danielle’s milestone – I have gifts on the brain. You know me – I’ve already had their gifts covered for weeks. Another reason why you should start your holiday shopping immediately – you won’t stress when the time comes! Read more

4 Lists for Stress-Free Travel

Willis Tower / Sears TowerMy recent trip to Chicago reminded me just how important having a list is when traveling. I know it sounds super nerdy – but doing a little homework before you leave will guarantee an easy and stress-free journey. I usually start crafting up my lists a week in advance (or more if I’m really excited about the trip!).

These are the 4 travel lists I NEVER leave home without:

1. Itinerary

This is an itemized list of everything you will do on your trip. Run through each day in your mind and visualize what you’ll be doing. Then write down a brief description or note about each event. That way you can prepare by making reservations, packing the appropriate clothes and making the most of the time you have at your destination.

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