Tag Archive for: Sleep

Sleep Your Way to Well-Being + Productivity


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Sleep is one of the most powerful tools for productivity and all-around well-being. But too many of us are struggling with consistent sleep routines that work with our natural rhythms. 

It’s so important to get a good sleep routine down. Insomnia actually costs the world economy $818 billion per year in lost productivity!

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5 Reasons To Kick Your Phone Out Of Bed

David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Smartphones have become our sole source of communication, our daily weather updates, the way we unwind with games, and even our cuddle buddies at night. This is mainly focused on the younger generation though, as the only generation that seems to have got it right is the older generation, by only using their phones for making phone calls. I know that not all the older generation just use their phones for taking calls, but some do. There are even these cell phones for older adults, which can make things a lot easier for them. Going back to what I first started talking about though. I know many of you can’t think of another way but to have your phone next to your head at night. However, this is something I’ve never done and refuse to do. I have to set boundaries or else I’d go insane…checking and rechecking emails, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Since getting a Blackberry for work about seven years ago, I’ve always kept all of my phones in the living room, nice and far out of reach. Being connected 24/7 is not only a distraction but it’s also not good for your health. Sleeping is supposed to be peaceful and sacred. Just ask Arianna Huffington — she worships sleep and thinks you should “Sleep Your Way to the Top” — and you should too! 🙂

Anyway, here is a list of why you should dump your phone and snuggle your pillow (or your honey) instead!

1. Lights. When my Blackberry blinks red, my eyes open right up. This isn’t just your inner-email intuition, as I once believed. Artificial lights will disrupt your body’s natural rhythm and acts as a stimulant that will keep you awake longer. The sense of urgency would cause me to pop out of bed and deal with whatever issue is at hand, right then. No good for sleep or my nerves. (more here)

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