Tag Archive for: The Drew Carey Show

Checklist For Being a Better Storyteller

I tell stories for a living. That’s what compelling TV is all about — great storytelling. I think I get it from my dad — he’s a fabulous storyteller. He’s been known to captivate audiences with his police stories or tales from the “old neighborhood.”

Some people have storytelling in their genes but you can also learn how to get people to listen to your adventures. The skill will help you at cocktail parties and even when putting your kids to bed!

I’m excited about our guest blogger today — she knows all about storytelling and has dedicated a whole website to the subject at MrsP.com. Mrs. P is portrayed by actress Kathy Kinney, who starred as Mimi on “The Drew Carey Show” for nine years.

How to Be a Better Storyteller

by Mrs. P

Whether you’re at home trying to get your child to fall asleep or at an office party telling a story about sitting in a patch of poison ivy on your honeymoon, having good storytelling skills can greatly improve your life. No one ever walks away from a good storyteller. And good storytellers are always invited back to the next party. Here are seven tips to improve your own skills:

1) Start with the ending. In other words, know how your story will end before you begin. Starting a story is like starting a trip, and if you have a map and know your destination, it will be a more satisfying and entertaining journey for both you and your audience. Read more