Tag Archive for: time management

Productivity Secrets for a Successful Side Hustle

BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.

When you first start a side hustle you tend to be a one-man band. It means you’re doing all the work, but there’s also plenty of upsides to this:

  • no communication issues
  • no meetings
  • no job descriptions

It’s all you! 

As I learned through the years it’s important to resist doing everything yourself. That will quickly lead to burnout or will cause you to abandon ship on your ideas. 

As you’re side hustle gets more successful you might need to bring in some help.. Managing a small business or side project like this can be quite difficult. I would know, for the past eight years I’ve run Listproducer.com which has become part of my business. And for the past five years I’ve had the help of my fabulous editorial assistant Nicole. Until recently, Nicole has lived in the UK while I’ve been in the US. Plus  for most of that time we both had full time jobs! Read more

The Productivity Question I Always Get Asked

BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.

A couple weeks ago I had a book signing for my new book, Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You. It was a great event and you can check out this video right here for a look at what it was like and hear from readers of the book about what they loved most! A big shout out to Micah Joel for shooting and editing this great video! 

My favorite part of book signings is always the Q&A. 

It gives me a chance to find out what listmakers are worrying about!

A great question that was brought up was what to do when you’re saying yes too much?  Read more

Carve Out Space to Get More Done

The biggest issue with writing (or any creative task really) is finding the time to sit down, distraction free, and put your ideas to paper.

We often put it off and never get to it.

I interviewed Karen Rizzo (no relation) author of “Things to Do, Sh*t to Bring” years ago and in her book she kept saying she wanted to learn Italian.

And guess what – she never did. She didn’t give herself the space and time to do it. Maybe you have tasks like that.

For me – I had to jump on a plane and travel across the world to give myself the space to write. I just returned from a writing retreat in France and it was divine. It was in Paris and it gave me time to focus on my creative side. (I started writing a novel! Who knows where it will go but it was so fun to start writing.) Read more

Timeshifter App Ends Jet Lag For Optimal Productivity

My friend Nicole Feldman travels for work a lot. Probably about three times per month at least.

She travels for fun too though. Jay and I meet up with her and her husband all over the world. We just got back from a trip to Paris to eat macaroons and croissants. Highly recommend 🙂

In fact, she wrote a guest post for me about how to pack for a two-week vacation to Europe in a carry-on bag. She knows her stuff when it comes to traveling. So when she told me she was trying out a new app called Timeshifter to try to mitigate jet lag I was interested.

She first started using it for a marathon trip from San Francisco to Tokyo for work. From there she was headed back to New York city for a wedding. Whoa.

She followed the rules and was able to dance the night away at her friend’s wedding instead of zoning out like a zombie in need of a nap. Read more

Forget FOMO and Embrace the “Joy of Missing Out”

You’ve probably heard of the term FOMO or “fear of missing out” – possibly in the context of someone making fun of millenials who say things like “I can’t believe I’m not going to Coachella this year I have so much FOMO”.

But it’s not just millennials who have this problem!

I used to get FOMO and it drove me a little crazy.

I couldn’t say no to any networking event or opportunity without feeling that if I didn’t go I would not only miss out, but be negatively affecting my business or the launch of my book.

We have this weirdly held belief among entrepreneurs that just around the corner is our big break or big meeting that can turn everything around. We just have to go to enough events or connect with the right people to find it.

It’s technically true but it can drive you insane. Or in my case make your appendix burst.

It’s time we started to admit the truth. Read more