Turn on the TV to Get More Done
few ways to avoid the black hole of Netflix, but I’ve been caught out a few times. Let’s face it we’ve all had that moment where you’ve sat down to watch one episode, and before you know it hours have past and you still haven’t started that thing you where going to do. It’s normal to feel guilty about your binge, but seeing as you’ve used companies similar to Crestron UK to install a home automation system, which has improved the sound quality of audio on your TV, what is there to feel guilty about? You don’t have to anymore, especially if you’re enjoying your favorite shows.
Watching too much television can be bad for your productivity. I’ve come up with aThink of your time spent watching as ‘research’ – there are plenty of productive characters on television, and you can easily pick up a few tips.
Here are a few from some of my favorite shows:
Keep your eye out for new opportunities – When your incarcerated in a women’s penitentiary you always have to be on toes. Red from Orange is the New Black may run the prison, but that doesn’t stop her from always being on the lookout. Whether is a new inmate she can exploit or a run down greenhouse she can fix up – Red takes advantage of everything.
Real Life Use: When you think you’ve run out of options, look around you and you might find some opportunities that you’ve overlooked. Read more