List for Surviving a Conference

Wow — I’m tired! BlogHer12 was a great conference but I’m pooped and I didn’t even have to travel very far. I went from my apartment in the East Village to Midtown — basically the commute I do everyday to get to work.

But participating in a conference is exhausting — both mentally and physically.

Of course, I have a list to make it a bit easier the next time you are attending a conference too:

1. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare: I started really planning out my itinerary for BlogHer12 about two months beforehand. The agenda had been posted and I read through it a few times to see what sessions I would benefit from most. I chatted with other bloggers who had been to other BlogHer conferences for their take on sessions, parties and networking so I could optimize my time. I wrote out a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish while there.

2. Bring a Sharpie: I got this advice from Tanya Toledano who writes It is brilliant. Bring a super-fine point Sharpie with you so you can make notes on business cards as you get them.  Write notes on the card as soon as you get it like: “blond hair, glasses, lives in Arizona, possible guest blogger.” This is a huge help.

3. Use Evernote: What an incredible tool. I used this the entire weekend for taking notes. You can include audio, photos and PDFs along with your notes and access them from any device. It makes note taking and life so much easier. I also kept my entire itinerary saved here so I could get to it anywhere.

4. Make a Follow-Up List: While I was at the conference I had my iPad with me and as I met people or got an idea from a session — I added to my follow-up list. So now, this week I know exactly who I have to get back in touch with and what we need to talk about. The more time you let this linger — the less likely you are to make effective relationships and partnerships. Having a call to action list makes it much more possible.

5. Don’t Over Schedule: I totally bit off more than I could chew with this conference. I RSVP’ed for a lot of extra gatherings and parties that I just never made it to. Frankly I was too exhausted! Make sure that you schedule in time to recoup and relax — trust me, you’ll need it!

6. Bring Snacks:   I brought almonds, fruit bars and clementines. It’s always a good idea because you just never know when you’ll get hungry and be stuck in a meeting or session with your stomach growling!


Lists Make Phone Calls More Productive

David Castillo Dominici /

A friend of mine told me that she felt bad because she never had anything to talk about with her mother when she calls.  I think we’ve all been there.  The time comes for you to “talk” and your mind goes blank.  This is where a list comes in handy.

I suggested that my friend write down important things that she wanted to tell her mother as they happened.  She started making a list.  And when the next phone call came up — she filled her mom in on everything that was going on in her life.  She felt good because she could connect better with her parents and her mom actually noted that this was one of the best phone calls they had had in a long time.

My friend let her in on the secret — she had made a list.  There’s no shame in having a cheat sheet!  Especially if it makes you more successful in whatever task you take on — even talking on the phone with your mom!  Try it!

8 Ways to Blend in Like a New Yorker

New York City

New York City (Photo credit: kaysha)

BlogHer12 has invaded New York City and 4,500 bloggers have swarmed the Big Apple. Many of those bloggers, this one included, are from New York City. But for those of you who aren’t — or anyone visiting New York City — I’ve made a list of ways to blend in like a New Yorker. We have our own flair and attention must be paid if you want to get around the city that never sleeps in one piece. Read more

Tech Goddess Makes Lists Work For Her

As far as self-professed nerds go — Carley Knobloch is the coolest.  I would call her a tech goddess in fact.  I’ve talked about her site former because I really think it’s great.  It’s a site dedicated to technology, apps, websites and products to make your life easier. Carley is also a featured speaker at BlogHer12.

She produces high-quality video and tips that are informative, quirky and cute.  I’ve shared a few here for you to check out and will continue to do that. Digitwirl is how I learned about, which I used to make my “Lists & Libations” Meetup flyer.

Carley isn’t only a tech nerd…er goddess..she’s also a list maker!  So she’s this month’s featured list producer: Read more

Successful List-Making Group

A while back I had a thought to create a Meetup group for list makers.  So I did — it’s called “Lists & Libations” and we had our first event last week in NYC.  It was a success! I’ve posted more photos on my Facebook page.

I’m thrilled that about 15 fellow list producers could come together to share drinks and ideas.  I had a little questionnaire with some list-related questions as an ice breaker and gave out some prizes from one of my favorites —

With the first Meetup under our belt — I’m planning two more.  Another one in NYC that will probably have a theme to keep us all focused!  I’m hoping to get some guest speakers too.  And I’m also planning a virtual meetup — called “Common List Making Mistakes & How to Fix Them,” so anyone can join in.  That one is a bit of an experiment — I’m going to use a Google+ Hangout for that one.  We’ll see how it goes!

Would love to hear your feedback and have you join the “Lists & Libations” meetup group.