Organizing Your Closet

Rubbermaid Homefree Series Closet Kit 3P40 (Photo credit: Rubbermaid Products)
Do you always spend extra time trying to figure out what to wear? Does it ever feel like you don’t have anything to wear? I’ve mentioned before that laying your outfit out the night before can make your life just a little bit easier — but that may not change the “I’ve got nothing to wear!” feeling you might have when you stand in front of your closet. It also doesn’t help you build your closet.
I’ve scoped out a few options to help you get organized!
“Stylish Girl” App: A lovely free app you download for your phone that helps you decide what to wear!
- How does it work? Take pictures of all your clothes and categorize each one as Tops/Dresses, Bottoms, Shoes, Accessories — then take the categorization one step further by specifying if your top is a tunic, if your shoes are boots, and so on. You can also add a season and a style (casual, dressy or sport), as well as tags, notes and information about the brand, price and retailer.
- Pros: You have your clothes in one place and create outfits for the day. When you make an outfit you love, save it to the “Outfits” section so you always have that particular one ready! You will say “oh I forgot about that top” less often.
- Cons: You have to take pictures of all your clothes, which is definitely time consuming. But you only have to do it once! Have friends over and make a party out of it.
- Extras: There’s a Wish Bag, Calendar, Suitcase (for trips!), Fashion Mall and Fashion Lounge, so you always have the option to build your closet.
Stylebook: Essentially the paid version of Stylish Girl. It has a few extra perks, such as an option to remove the background of each image, making it just a little bit easier to put together an outfit.
Keaton Row: A Free Personal Stylist!
- Tell Them About You and Your Style: Sign up through Facebook or use your email address and take a quick, 10-question quiz right away. Answer questions about which red carpet style you like best, how much you’re willing to spend on a new dress for a special occasion, whether you’d be willing to consider wearing designed replicas like this Neverfull Replica, bearing in mind they’re indistinguishable from the real thing and half the price, which LBD (Little Black Dress) you would feel the most confident in, and more! Then fill out your profile and upload at least one photo so the stylist can get a virtual sense of what you look like.
- Meet Your Stylist!: Based on your quiz and style preferences, Keaton Row will assign you the stylist that best suits your fashion needs and interests.
- Shop from Your Lookbook: Your stylist will create a Lookbook with an armful of different looks for you to choose from.
- Buy it and Try it: Buy the items you like, try them on at home and send back what you don’t love! There’s no obligation to keep anything that doesn’t fit or doesn’t work and you’ll only pay for what you keep.
- Bonus: The Stylist is free and only gets a commission from what you buy — so it’s in their best interest to help you find clothes you’ll love!
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