4 Newsletters That Are Worth Opening

We often think that the more choices we have the better. That’s the whole idea behind bigger supermarkets and larger malls – more choices. But is that really what’s best for us?
For example, if you’re a bridesmaid picking your dress can be a fairly daunting task, especially if the bride has told you to wear whatever you like. You know very well that she’d be unhappy if you really did wear whatever you like so you second guess every option. But if the bride narrows it down to a specific color and designer — the choice suddenly becomes much easier.
This concept is called decision fatigue – the central premise being that the more decisions we make the less likely we are to make good decisions. Once you accept that fewer choices are better you can start being more productive and improve your judgement.
Follow the items on this list to limit your options: Read more
In many of my post I advocate using your commute time on the train to get some of your work done. Which is great, if you live in the city like me, but I know many people who commute to work by car. I remember the days, I used to do it myself. I’d drive an hour each way back and forth to the city when I lived in the suburbs.
Here’s some ideas to get more done while you cruise:
Audio books – I love reading, but finding the time to sit down with a book can be difficult. So why not listen to one on your commute? iTunes does an audio version of most books, or you can always try a service like audible.com. You could also try an app like Umano which read out popular articles to you. Read more
I’ve recently gotten into listening to a lot of podcasts on my commute because it’s just easier than reading something and then getting bumped into by a rude passenger, losing your spot, remembering where you are, re-reading that section and so on. A friend recommended I try Umano.
I downloaded the app earlier this week, and the first thing it lets you do is choose the kind of content you want to listen to. There’s a wide variety of channels including your typical news subjects sports, entertainment and technology, but there’s also some more unusual channels like facts and history. Read more
When we think about the different ways to get more out of our day, we don’t often think about changing our diet.
Put down the donut and try these yummy productivity boosters instead.
Blueberries – If there were such a thing as ultimate super fruit, it would be blueberries. They’re high in antioxidants, high in fiber and low on the glycemic index. Plus a recent study shows eating blueberries can help ward off degenerative diseases such as Alzhiemer’s disease. Which means there’s a good reason to indulge in blueberry pancakes for breakfast today! Read more